Shandong Province issued guidelines to vigorously promote the construction of smart construction sites


Recently, the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Shandong Province issued the "Guiding Opinions on the Construction of Smart Sites for Housing Construction and Municipal Engineering in the Province" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"). Implement the national and provincial requirements for promoting high-quality development of the construction industry, and clarify the guiding ideology, basic principles, work objectives, main tasks and guarantee measures for the construction of smart construction sites. Focus on fundamentally eliminating hidden dangers of accidents and solving problems fundamentally, and actively apply information technologies such as the Internet of Things, blockchain, cloud computing, big data, and artificial intelligence. Accelerate the promotion of intelligent construction methods, intelligent on-site management, and visualization of departmental supervision, and accelerate the improvement of the modernization of the construction safety management system and governance capabilities.

According to the "Opinions", the construction of smart construction sites in Shandong Province mainly follows three basic principles: First, government-led and market-oriented operation. The competent housing and construction department guides through supervision, guarantees policies, and uses evaluation as incentives. The general contracting enterprise independently selects the construction level and implementation content according to the characteristics of the project and management capabilities. The second is the overall planning and implementation at different levels. Based on actual conditions, localities formulate overall plans and advancement plans for smart construction sites, strengthen top-level design, differentiate enterprise capabilities and project scales, and set plans, hierarchically, and step by step to speed up implementation. The third is to share resources and advance in all directions. The five levels of linkage between provinces, cities, counties (cities, districts) and enterprises and projects realize information interconnection and data synchronization and sharing. The construction content covers all key elements of the construction site such as people, machines, materials, methods, and environment.

The "Opinions" make it clear that it follows the path of laying a foundation in one year, seeking breakthroughs in two years, and improving standards in three years. By the end of 2023, three-star (AAA)-level smart construction sites will be fully implemented, smart construction technology will be widely used, smart management methods will become the norm, mechanized substitution and automation will be basically achieved, potential safety hazards will be greatly reduced, and project quality and safety will be significantly improved.

The "Opinions" clarified the main tasks of smart construction sites from five aspects: main structure design, establishment of a standard and normative system, support for multiple modes of operation, highlight the application of key modules, and accelerate the transformation of supervision methods. Around the construction process management, based on a high degree of information. By supporting comprehensive perception of people and things, comprehensive intelligence of construction technology, work interconnection, information collaboration sharing, scientific decision-making analysis, risk intelligent pre-control, a visual engineering project supervision information system covering multiple linkages of competent departments, enterprises, and construction sites is formed. Encourage smart construction site integration service providers to provide multiple service contracting modes such as overall solutions, pure technical services, and leasing services. Pay close attention to the management of dangerous engineering risks that are prone to mass deaths and injuries, and focus on the management of crane equipment, high formwork, and deep foundation pit monitoring and early warning. And the advanced application of personnel information dynamic management, video intelligent monitoring of key parts, on-site safety hazard investigation, and environmental monitoring and control.

The "Opinions" require the housing construction departments at all levels to clarify that specialized agencies are responsible for overall coordination, formulate action plans, improve working mechanisms, clarify goals and tasks, and refine measures to ensure that the progress is accelerated in accordance with the timeline. Actively strive for financial support at all levels, and clarify the methods and standards for calculating the construction costs of smart construction sites in the project composition and pricing rules of construction project costs. Accelerate the popularization of engineering blockchain, Internet of Things, big data, Internet, artificial intelligence and other knowledge among employees in the construction industry, and strengthen professional training for personnel in key positions.

At the same time, the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Shandong Province organized the Shandong Construction Safety and Equipment Management Association and other units to compile and publish the group standard "Smart Site Construction Evaluation Standards" (T/SDJSXH01-2021). Refine the evaluation indicators, clarify the scoring rules, and determine the construction level of smart construction sites based on the score. In the next step, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development will strengthen policy support, take the progress of smart construction site construction as a safety production guarantee assessment measure, incorporate it into the content of creating safe and civilized standard chemical sites, and accelerate the construction of a unified smart construction site supervision platform across the province. Organize smart construction site construction forums, set up a smart construction site construction expert database, increase the intensity of technical achievements exchange, discussion and promotion and application, timely summarize successful experiences and typical practices, organize observations and exchanges at appropriate times, and actively create a good atmosphere for science and technology development. (Quality and Safety Department)

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