Signed 10.64 billion yuan for the production and sales matchmaking meeting of green building materials prefabricated building and construction industry chain in Xiangtan City, Hunan ProvinceSigned 10.


On June 30, Xiangtan City's green building materials prefabricated building and construction industry chain production and sales matchmaking meeting was held at the Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau. The total amount of five rounds of signing cooperation reached 10.64 billion yuan. City leaders Yang Guang and Xiang Min attended.

The production and marketing matchmaking meeting was hosted by the Xiangtan Municipal Government, with the theme of "Building Green Dreams and Win-Win Together", aiming to comprehensively promote the healthy and sustainable development of the city's green building materials prefabricated construction and construction industry chain. At the meeting, China Railway Fifth Bureau signed contracts with 55 companies such as Xinhe Building Materials in five rounds. The contract objects included platform companies, development companies, construction companies, and building materials manufacturers. The total contract amount reached 10.64 billion yuan.

Xiangtan City's green building materials prefabricated building and construction industry chain is one of the 11 emerging advantageous industrial chains identified by the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government. At present, there are more than 600 enterprises on the industrial chain, including 79 building materials enterprises, 7 prefabricated construction production enterprises, and 520 construction enterprises. In 2020, industry chain enterprises will complete an output value of 70.09 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9.1%. Nine departments including the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology and the Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau jointly issued the "One Chain, One Policy" (Trial) for the emerging advantageous industrial chain of Xiangtan City's industry. Cultivate and support the development of industrial chain enterprises from promoting green building materials logo certification, strengthening investment incentives, and strengthening technological innovation fund awards.

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