Wuhu City, Anhui Province, makes every effort to promote the transformation of old towns and communities in 2021



In order to comprehensively promote the transformation of old communities in cities and towns, in 2021, Wuhu City plans to renovate 187 old communities, involving 29,342 households, with a construction area of 288,300 square meters, and an estimated investment of 610 million yuan. As of the end of April, the design, drawing review and inventory preparation work have been completed, the project bidding has been basically completed, the construction of 33 communities has started, and the investment of 45 million yuan has been completed.

1. Improving the review procedures for the formulation of renovation plans. Fully respect the wishes of residents, sort out the renovation content related to safety management, residential function improvement, environmental governance, follow-up long-term management, etc., solicit residents' opinions in a "menu" method, scientifically formulate renovation plans, and publicize them in the community. After ensuring that the residents have no objections, the leading group office organizes experts to conduct a joint review of the plan. After the plan is passed, the county (city) and district relevant departments handle follow-up project approval and bidding procedures.

2. Implement contiguous transformation. Actively plan a new mode of contiguous group transformation, integrate and merge the 56 towns and old community reconstruction projects in Wantu District into 12 districts, and divide the 49 towns and old districts of Wuwei City into five major districts to implement integrated transformation. In the design plan of Yijiang District, Nanling County, and Jinghu District, the single-family, sporadic, and small urban and old communities that belong to different management subjects are based on the shortcomings of the community functions and the lack of infrastructure. Make overall arrangements and unified planning, form a group, promote the joint transformation of neighboring communities and surrounding communities, and realize the co-construction and sharing of regional service facilities and public spaces.

3. Promote an integrated construction model of design, construction, and operation. Taking into account the complexity and uncertainty of the transformation of old communities, in order to effectively solve the problem of the connection between design, construction, and operation, strengthen the overall planning and coordinated operation of the entire project, and actively promote the adoption of an integrated construction model of design, construction, and operation in all counties and districts. At present, Wuwei City has bundled up an experienced enterprise as the general contractor. Jinghu District will complete the design and construction integrated bidding for the whole district.

4, construction and management are being promoted simultaneously. Take the “three-step” measures of completing the establishment of the community’s independent renovation committee, the establishment of the owners’ committee, and the selection of professional property services before the renovation, in order to achieve the purpose of improving the efficiency of the renovation and maintaining the results of the renovation. Let the old community reform implement a long-term management mechanism, and the property company will connect with the community reform unit in advance to participate in the quality supervision and project acceptance of the reform process.

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