2021 the first "China Construction Fifth Bureau Cup" Hunan Province Prefabricated Construction Industry Football Tournament Concludes



On July 3, 2021, after 7 rounds of 28 days of fierce competition, the first "China Construction Fifth Bureau Cup" Hunan Provincial Prefabricated Construction Industry Football Tournament came to a successful conclusion. In the end, the Hunan Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd. team won the championship, the Hunan Provincial Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department team won the second place, and the China Construction Fifth Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd. team won the third place.


The competition was hosted by Hunan Housing Industrialization Promotion Association and China Construction Fifth Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd., and co-organized by Hunan Lugu Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., China Machinery International Engineering Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., and Hunan Hengbang Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.


This competition coincides with the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. The century-old journey has created brilliance, and the century-old journey has shown its glory. I am grateful for the party, miss the party, and dedicate my sweat to the party! In order to enhance the cohesion and team combat effectiveness of the prefabricated construction industry in the province, and strengthen the communication and cooperation between various units, in the form of sports competitions, the atmosphere is active, and it helps to create a positive, united, cooperative, and courageous first-class prefabricated construction team of the Hunan Army. Under the careful planning and organization of the competition organizing committee, the 8 teams formed by the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, China Construction Fifth Bureau, Zhuyou Intelligent Manufacturing, Hydropower Eighth Bureau, Construction Engineering Group, Lugu Development Group, China National Machinery International, and Shaping Construction worked together and worked together. The dedication and enthusiastic service of all staff made this competition a complete success.


Peng Yizhou, the rotating chairman of the Housing Industrialization Promotion Association of Hunan Province and the general manager of the Construction Industrialization Division of the China Construction Fifth Bureau, delivered a speech at the closing ceremony: In this competition, based on the principles of "friendship first, competition second" and "participation, communication, and exercise", the teams of each participating unit have achieved their level, style, and friendship. It shows the good spirit of the Hunan Army in the prefabricated construction of our province, especially the tenacious fighting spirit of the players in the ball game, and reflects the character and temperament of the prefabricated construction industry to "strive for first-class and dare to fight". It is hoped that the participating units will bring the good spirit, tenacity and character of the competition into their work, listen to the party, follow the party, strengthen their beliefs, have the courage to overcome difficulties, dare to create new achievements, and continue to write prefabricated buildings. Military style and glory! Continue to work hard to build a prosperous and strong motherland!

Finally, Jiang Bingsheng, the rotating chairman of the Hunan Housing Industrialization Promotion Association and vice president of Zhuyou Group, announced the end of the football match.


Highlights of the game


Highlights of the game


Outstanding Organization Award


Special Contribution Award


Best Role Model Award


Best Shooter Award


Golden Boot Award


Winning Award


runner up


Third place

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