Prefabricated buildings show a momentum of development in full swing in Guangxi


On July 2, the 2021 Guangxi Quality Housing Industry Expo was held in Nanning. The press conference introduced that the development of prefabricated buildings in Guangxi has been recognized by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, showing a momentum of enthusiastic development.

Yang Lufeng, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, said that during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, as the core of Guangxi's construction industry to promote the industrialization of the construction industry, prefabricated buildings have always adhered to the idea of "one body and two wings" coordinated development, market-oriented, industrial resources-based, pilot demonstration, and classified promotion as the starting point. A total of 2 national prefabricated demonstration cities, 4 autonomous regional prefabricated comprehensive pilot cities, 2 steel structure pilot cities, 5 national prefabricated industrial bases, and 38 prefabricated production bases have been cultivated.

According to reports, the steel structure main body and prefabricated concrete components of the teaching building and student dormitory building of the new campus (Phase II) of Guangxi Construction Vocational and Technical College, the first prefabricated science and education building in Guangxi, were manufactured and installed by Guangxi Jingdian Steel Structure Co., Ltd and Guangxi Jingdian Assembly & Construction Co., Ltd. The project adopts the deep integration of prefabricated building and BIM technology, EPC mode, and whole-process consulting services. It is a project with many new models and new technology demonstrations. It adopts steel structure and concrete assembly type mixed structure construction, and the assembly rate is more than 70%.

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