Heze City, Shandong Province Clarified the "Task List" of Green Building Creation Action



A few days ago, the Heze City Government Office issued the "Implementation Opinions on the Green Building Creation Action in Heze City" to promote the high-quality development of green buildings in Heze City. The "Opinions" lists key tasks and targets from twelve aspects, and strive to achieve more than 80% of green buildings in urban new civil buildings by 2022.

Green building refers to a high-quality building that saves resources, protects the environment, reduces pollution, provides people with healthy, applicable and efficient use of space, and maximizes the realization of the harmonious coexistence of man and nature.

Heze City plans to increase the proportion of green buildings in newly-built civil buildings in cities and towns to more than 80% by 2022, the number of star-rated green buildings will continue to increase, the health of residences will continue to improve, and the application of green building materials will be further expanded. The prefabricated construction method of new urban buildings accounted for 30%, and the pilot project of steel structure prefabricated residential construction achieved positive results; the building energy efficiency level was further improved, and the development of energy-saving renovation of existing buildings, ultra-low-energy buildings, and near-zero energy buildings was solidly promoted. The overall promotion of green housing users supervision, the people's active participation in the creation activities, and the establishment of a social atmosphere advocating green life has accelerated.

The "Opinions" pointed out that Heze City will promote the creation of green buildings from twelve aspects such as promoting the high-quality development of green buildings, promoting the energy efficiency of new buildings, improving the energy efficiency of existing buildings, and promoting the development of prefabricated buildings. The planning, design, and construction of newly-built civil buildings in cities and towns must fully meet the basic-level and above green building standards. Government-invested or government-invested public buildings and other large-scale public buildings should be constructed in accordance with two-star and above green building standards.

In the promotion of energy conservation in new buildings, Heze City will strengthen the supervision of building energy-saving standards in the design, construction, and acceptance of new buildings, strengthen the management of building energy-saving technology and product application, continuously improve the level of building energy-saving technology, and actively develop passive ultra-low energy, near-zero energy buildings.

Heze City will focus on promoting the development of prefabricated buildings, promote and support related enterprises to improve technological innovation, build a prefabricated building industry base, and promote the construction of a standardized production base for prefabricated parts. Strengthen the prefabricated construction technology training and education work, and improve the professional quality and operation skills of the prefabricated construction employees.

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