Taizhou, Jiangsu: Building and perfecting BIM technology and management system



In recent years, in order to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry, Taizhou Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-rural Development has increased the application and promotion of building information modeling (BIM) technology, and has achieved initial results. There are 29 municipal pilot projects, 12 demonstration projects, 1 provincial pilot project, and 2 demonstration projects. In the first half of this year, the Taizhou Municipal Government’s E-Government Work Leading Group’s joint meeting also discussed and approved the “Taizhou BIM Collaborative Management Platform Project” construction plan, which further improved the BIM promotion efforts.

In order to support the construction of the BIM collaborative management platform and allow BIM projects to take root in Taizhou City, Taizhou Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau has paid close attention to the establishment and improvement of BIM technology and management system. In terms of technical system construction, Taizhou Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau organized universities, research institutes, software development companies and some special-qualified enterprises to study and compile BIM design model delivery guidelines, BIM completion model delivery guidelines and BIM technology application guidelines . On June 17, well-known experts inside and outside the province were invited to hold a BIM guideline demonstration meeting. The review expert group agreed that the three guidelines have a clear structure and complete content, meet the relevant requirements of the provinces and cities to promote the application of BIM technology, have reached the advanced level of similar guidelines in the industry, and will effectively fill the gaps in the standard documents of Taizhou BIM technology.

In terms of management system, the Taizhou Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau is leading the drafting of BIM-assisted drawing review and BIM-assisted bidding implementation plans, researching and formulating BIM charging reference standards, BIM housing delivery system implementation rules, etc., and will be launched simultaneously with the BIM collaborative management platform.

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