Financial reward 1.02 million | The first ultra-low energy building in Huairou District, Beijing is here!


Huairou's first ultra-low-energy building-Beijing Yanqi Lake Ecological Development Demonstration Zone Environmental Renovation Oriented Placement House Kindergarten Project has now completed the main structure topping. The next step is to enter the secondary structure construction. The project is scheduled to be completed in the first half of 2022. After completion, it will become the first high-quality green and ultra-low energy consumption kindergarten in Huairou. Everyone must be very curious about how the building achieves ultra-low energy consumption.

Ultra-low-energy building refers to adapting to climatic characteristics and natural conditions, adopting high-efficiency fresh air heat recovery technology by selecting an envelope structure with higher thermal insulation performance and airtight performance, to minimize the heating and cooling requirements of the building. And make full use of renewable energy to provide a healthy and comfortable indoor environment with less energy consumption.

It is understood that the project is a demonstration project of ultra-low energy consumption in Beijing, with a land area of 4267.9 square meters, a building area of 3414.3 square meters, and 3 floors above ground. Reinforced concrete cast-in-place frame structure, the project will use high-performance envelope structure insulation, high-performance three-glass double-air layer exterior windows, meticulous treatment of no thermal bridge nodes, complete building airtight layers, and a fresh air system with efficient heat recovery, and use air source heat pump as a cold and heat source and other technical means. According to calculations, the heating, cooling, and lighting energy consumption of the project will save more than 60% more energy on the basis of national standards, and the energy saving rate will reach more than 90%.

The indoor temperature of the project will not be lower than 20°C in winter and no higher than 26°C in summer, which can provide a comfortable activity and working environment for kindergarten children and faculty and staff.

As the competent authority of the industry, the Huairou District Housing Construction Committee attaches great importance to the project and fully promotes the progress of the project. The first is to guide the construction unit to apply for the Beijing ultra-low energy building demonstration project, so that it will pass the expert review and become the Beijing ultra-low energy building demonstration project. The second is to strengthen the supervision of building energy conservation and the use of building materials during the construction phase to ensure that the participating units fully implement the requirements for building energy conservation and the use of building materials. Third, according to the current project progress, 1.02 million yuan of financial incentive funds for the Beijing ultra-low energy building demonstration project was allocated to the construction unit in a timely manner.

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