By 2025, the proportion of newly constructed prefabricated buildings in Chongqing will not be less than 30%


To promote the agglomeration of construction talents, technology, capital, and industries in the Chengdu-Chongqing area, and to promote the modern development of the construction industry in the Chengdu-Chongqing double-city economic circle. On June 17, the first Sichuan-Chongqing Housing and Urban-Rural Development Expo-Sichuan-Chongqing Construction Industry Modernization Summit Forum was held in Chongqing. Experts, scholars and industry elites from all over the country gathered together to exchange and discuss around the development of industrialization, intelligence, and green construction.

The city has accumulated more than 15 million square meters of prefabricated buildings

The theme of this forum is green growth and transformational development under the goal of "carbon peak and carbon neutrality". Qiao Mingjia, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Chongqing Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee, said that in recent years, the construction industry in Sichuan and Chongqing has developed rapidly, the construction capacity has been continuously enhanced, and the industrial scale has continued to grow. During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, Sichuan Province has completed a total construction industry output value of 6.5 trillion yuan, and Chongqing City has completed a total construction industry output value of 4 trillion yuan, which has played an important role in economic and social development, urban and rural construction, and improvement of people's livelihood.

For a long time, the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Committee has vigorously implemented industrialized construction, green construction, and intelligent construction. The city has accumulated more than 15 million square meters of prefabricated buildings, built 6 national prefabricated industrial bases, 28 municipal industrial bases, and was awarded the national prefabricated building model city. The city's new buildings in cities and towns fully implement the mandatory green building standards, and vigorously promote the energy-saving transformation of public buildings and the application of renewable energy buildings. Continue to promote the coordinated development of intelligent construction and construction industrialization, take the lead in releasing projects such as the construction industry Internet platform, Vanke Four Seasons Flower City, and successfully move into the Ministry of Construction's intelligent construction demonstration project. Smart construction sites, smart communities, and digitization of engineering projects are in the forefront of the country.

This year, the proportion of prefabricated construction in the total land supply area in the central urban administrative area of the main city metropolitan area shall not be less than 50%, and the proportion of newly started prefabricated construction shall not be less than 30%. The proportion of newly-started prefabricated buildings in the main city new district and Wanzhou District, Qianjiang District, Zhongxian County and Dianjiang County shall not be less than 15%; the construction projects invested and constructed by other district and county governments shall all adopt prefabricated buildings. By 2025, the proportion of newly started prefabricated buildings in the city will not be less than 30%.

More than 100 digital construction projects will be piloted by the end of this year

Focusing on the theme of the conference, this forum also organized the release of intelligent construction technology products such as the Chongqing Urban Rail Express Line Quality, Safety Big Data Control Platform, BIMCC, digital construction platform V3.5, CMCU project management cloud platform, Chongqing prefabricated building assembly rate calculation software V1.0,  Internet + Construction Education and Training Online Comprehensive Service Platform.

At the same time, the relevant person in charge of the Chongqing Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee interpreted the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting Intelligent Construction" at the forum. By the end of this year, more than 100 digital construction projects will be piloted, and intelligent construction models and corresponding institutional systems, standard systems, and management systems will be initially established, and the intelligent construction industry ecology will be initially formed. By 2025, the city's engineering projects will fully adopt the digital construction model, construction enterprises will fully realize digital transformation, and a number of intelligent construction leading enterprises will be cultivated.

In the next step, the Chongqing Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee will strengthen the coordination and interaction with the Sichuan housing construction field, and carry out practical cooperation in cultivating the modern construction industry, promoting the integration of the construction market, establishing engineering construction standardization alliances, coordinating real estate control policies, and deepening cooperation mechanisms. Sing the Tale of Two Cities together, build a good economic circle, and make greater contributions to the coordinated development of Sichuan and Chongqing and the development of the country.

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