Shanxi Province has standards for building insulation and exterior wall decoration fire protection


The Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department of Shanxi Province has reported that the province has recently issued the "Guidelines for Building Thermal Insulation and Fire Protection Design for Exterior Wall Decoration (Standards)" (hereinafter referred to as "Guidelines"). This standard applies to all new construction, expansion, reconstruction (indoor, outdoor decoration, energy-saving renovation, use change, etc.) projects and temporary buildings in the administrative area of Shanxi Province, the design of building insulation, exterior wall decoration, fire protection design document review, and project acceptance. 

According to reports, the combustion performance of my country’s building materials and products is divided into four levels: A, B1, B2, and B3, corresponding to non-combustible materials (products), non-combustible materials (products), combustible materials (products), and flammable materials ( Products).

The "Guide" clearly states that it is strictly forbidden to use B2 and B3 thermal insulation materials, and the combustion performance of exterior wall decorative components shall not be lower than the combustion performance level of thermal insulation materials used on the external walls. At the same time, the external wall insulation materials of 9 types of public buildings such as the office buildings of the party and government agencies at the prefecture and city level and above, and the maternal and child service places, should adopt Class A materials. On the basis of the national standards stipulating the use of Class A materials for building internal insulation in specific places and locations, all building internal thermal insulation should use Class A materials. In addition, in the use of metal sandwich panels, the use of foam core materials is completely prohibited, and Grade A core materials should be used. Increase the thickness of the first protective layer of the external thermal insulation system of the building's external wall from 15 mm to 20 mm as required by the national standard. Non-combustible or non-combustible materials should be used for exterior wall decoration of newly built antique buildings, and the fire resistance limit should not be less than 1 hour.

From "China Construction News"

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