Smart Housing Service Providers, Myhome Group Starts a New Journey


In the tide of transformation of real estate developers, in fact, Myhome Group has already been in the layout. If your impression of Myhome Group still remains with traditional real estate developers, then you need to upgrade your understanding of Good Homes. In this year's annual report, Myhome Group proposed its own transformation goal, which is to provide the market with a complete solution for housing with a full value chain system.

As a veteran listed company, with nearly 30 years of real estate development experience, nearly 20 years of construction experience and 7 years of accumulation of prefabricated building layouts, Myhome Group continues to think deeply about the nature of the industry and continue to expand their business boundaries while repaying the society and creating value for shareholders.

Myhome Group Headquarters Building

From the annual reports disclosed by Myhome Group in the past two years, it can be seen that in addition to the traditional real estate business, the proportion of the prefabricated construction business in the company's main business has been steadily increasing. As we all know, prefabricated buildings are green buildings. Compared with traditional buildings, they can greatly reduce construction waste, construction dust, wastewater discharge, noise, etc., which is in line with the future development trend of "carbon neutrality" in the construction industry.

It is also based on such forward-looking insights that Myhome Group has been deploying prefabricated factories since 2013. Up to now, the total designed annual production capacity of PC components in the 13 factories that the company has built and is under construction can reach 3.6 million m3. It can already provide large-scale, low-cost PC component sales to builders and developers, and provide sufficient cash flow for company operations.

Not only that, Myhome Group has innovated to build a prefabricated building intelligent construction cloud management platform with BIM information technology as the core. The platform covers the entire process from design, cost control, supply chain management to manufacturing and project construction. Real-time sharing of information enhances the transparency of various processes, realizes lean production and construction, ensures precise procurement and optimized warehousing, and realizes monitoring and management of the entire process from virtual construction to physical construction.

Myhome Group Intelligent Manufacturing Prefabricated Construction Factory

In September 2016, the General Office of the State Council issued the "Guiding Opinions on Vigorously Developing Prefabricated Buildings", stating that "it will take 10 years to make prefabricated buildings account for 30% of the newly built building area." The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development takes the city's establishment of national demonstration cities and enterprises' establishment of demonstration bases as starting points to promote the healthy and rapid development of the prefabricated construction industry. At present, 48 national-level demonstration cities and 328 enterprise demonstration bases have been named nationwide.

Myhome Group will rely on its 13 intelligent housing manufacturing bases to expand A-level prefabricated projects around demonstration cities, and quickly release 48 million cubic meters of factory capacity. Since 2020, the company has signed contracts for a number of high-quality land projects such as Hefei Yungu Road, Chongqing Tangjiatuo, Wuhan Wenjin, Wuxi Liangxi, Huangshi Xisai Mountain, Chongqing Banan, Chengdu Jintang, etc., and a number of reserve projects are also about to land in 2021.

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