Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, Comprehensively Improve the Industrialization Level of New Buildings



In recent years, the newly-started prefabricated building area in Taizhou has been increasing, reaching 8,663,400 square meters in 2020. At the same time, the number of enterprises with relevant qualifications has steadily increased, and the construction of bases has been accelerated. At present, the city has built 6 industrialized construction production bases, and 4 more are under construction. By the end of 2020, the designed production capacity of the Taizhou Construction Industrialization Base has reached 1 million cubic meters per year, and the actual production capacity has exceeded 600,000 cubic meters per year. Based on market demand and the support of production enterprises, the city's steel structure building area scale has also shown a good momentum of rapid growth. In recent years, the proportion of newly-started steel structure building area has continued to increase. The city currently has 3 large-scale steel structure bases, 60 small and medium-sized steel structure manufacturers, and steel structure design production capacity of 500,000 tons/year. In September 2020, Taizhou was listed as the second batch of national prefabricated building model cities after reviewing and recommending by relevant departments and reviewing by experts.

Promote the implementation of construction industrialization projects. According to the "Special Plan for Green Buildings in Taizhou (2016-2025)", further strengthen the source management of regulatory indicators such as building industrialization and green buildings, fully implement the "Assembled Building Evaluation Standards", and improve the level of assembly. Strengthen the assessment and supervision, and ensure the completion of the task target of 8 million square meters of newly-started prefabricated buildings in 2021, and strive to achieve more than 30% of the newly built building area.

Actively promote smart construction. Leading the coordinated development of intelligent construction and building industrialization with digitalization, and comprehensively promote the integrated application of BIM technology in the entire life cycle of prefabricated buildings. Strengthen the construction of application scenarios for intelligent construction and building industrialization, strengthen the upstream and downstream collaborative work of intelligent construction, form an industrial chain covering design, production, construction, and technical services, and create a new business format for industrial integration.

Strengthen quality and safety management. Efforts will be made to improve the level of lean construction that is compatible with the industrialization of new buildings, optimize construction techniques and methods, increase the proportion of green building materials used, and realize green construction. Improve the level of intelligent supervision, use the Internet of Things, big data and other information technology to establish a quality traceability system throughout the process, and further strengthen the quality and safety management of prefabricated buildings.

Strengthen the demonstration and leading role. Give full play to the leading role of prefabricated building demonstration cities, support outstanding projects to apply for national prefabricated technology demonstration projects, and encourage industrial bases to actively apply for national and provincial demonstration bases. In April of this year, Taizhou Pride Construction Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Dajing Construction Group Co., Ltd., and Shuguang Holding Group Co., Ltd. were recognized as Zhejiang Construction Industrialization Industrial Bases to promote the healthy and orderly development of the city's new building industrialization with demonstration construction.

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