The installation of the first integrated prefabricated elevator with steel structure in Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province is completed


On the afternoon of June 5th, with the crane covering the top of the elevator in place, the installation of the elevator in Unit 2 of Building C, Zhenghua Community, Tianyuan District, was basically completed and entered the commissioning stage. And this is just 20 hours before the elevator has officially started to be installed, which means that the city's first integrated prefabricated elevator with steel structure has been installed.

This is a prefabricated additional elevator similar to building blocks. The main frame part and the elevator setting device are all completed in the factory. After being transported to the site, only the molded modules need to be built and installed layer by layer. Compared with the traditional installation of elevators, it not only has absolute advantages in installation time, but also more convenient construction, and the impact on the environment and the lives of residents in the community can be minimized.

Zhang Sheng, director of Zhuzhou Kuaike Elevator Co., Ltd.: "We don't need to build scaffolding, so we save all the work of scaffolding. The time is short and the safety aspect is also very good."

Residents of the community Ms. Tang: "The impact on life is less and the time is faster. It's all integrated. Just move it over and put it on top. For the renovation of the old community, this elevator is dedicated.

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