Hubei Institute of Urban Construction went to the Sino-French City prefabricated housing project to observe and build a house like building blocks


In order to further strengthen school-enterprise cooperation and better implement the research and teaching tasks, on the afternoon of May 26, nearly 40 teachers from Hubei Urban Construction Vocational and Technical College visited the Huangling Project of China First Metallurgical Hubei Company.

Among the housing construction projects of China First Metallurgical Hubei Company, the Huangling project is the largest prefabricated housing construction project.

The project contains 42 houses with 6-18 floors, of which 20 are prefabricated buildings, and the assembly rate is not less than 50%. The prefabricated structure covers an area of more than 200,000 square meters and will be built into the first large-scale prefabricated residential district in the Sino-French Wuhan Ecological Demonstration City.

Up to now, there have been 8 prefabricated roofs, and the remaining 12 are expected to be fully roofed in the second half of this year.

Everyone first visited the Wisdom Pavilion. The person in charge of the project technology gave a detailed explanation on the design, manufacturing, transportation, assembly, construction period, environment and other aspects of the prefabricated components of the project. At the construction site, through the "close contact" with the prefabricated buildings, and the on-the-spot experience of the prefabricated building "building house" process, everyone has a great interest in the prefabricated building, the "mainstream industry" of the future construction industry.

How to install the prefabricated components on the project construction site after they leave the factory? Compared with traditional cast-in-place methods, what are the differences and advantages of precast components? How to connect the cast-in-place part and the precast part on the construction site? With many questions, everyone came to the prefabricated building area and raised their own doubts and questions about the project site situation, and the project leader also gave detailed answers.

Gu Juan, deputy dean of teaching at Hubei Urban Construction College, said: “Through this observation, we have gained a new understanding of prefabricated buildings. Wall panels, laminated panels, stairs, balconies, bay windows, etc. are all manufactured in the factory ahead of time. Building a house is as efficient and accurate as ‘building blocks’. This observation and learning will be used as an opportunity to bring the excellent practices of prefabricated construction on the construction site back to the classroom.”

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