During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, approximately 1.6 million square meters will be renovated in Shanghai



The reporter learned from the press conference recently held by the Shanghai Municipal Government that Shanghai has finalized the overall goal for the renovation of the old districts during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period: from 2021 to 2022, it is planned to complete the renovation of more than 1.1 million square meters of houses below the second level in the central urban area, benefiting 56,000 residents; during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the renovation of 484,000 square meters of houses below the second level in the central urban area will be completed, and 17,000 households will be benefited.

This year, Shanghai will complete the renovation of 700,000 square meters and 34,000 households in a block of houses below the second-level old town. In 2022, it will complete the renovation of more than 400,000 square meters and 22,000 households. "The renovation of the entire downtown area will be completed next year." Yao Kai, director of the Shanghai Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Management Committee, said, "At the same time, sporadic old renovations are being planned and are planned to move quickly."

Sporadic old renovated land parcels mainly refer to land parcels with an area of less than 5,000 square meters and mainly houses below the second-level old village. The transformation of sporadic old and renovated plots is more difficult in terms of house acquisition and capital balance compared with the entire piece of old renovated plots. To this end, Shanghai will adhere to the working principle of “centering on the district, taking multiple policies simultaneously, adapting measures to local conditions, and comprehensively implementing policies”, and adopting various methods such as “independent implementation in the district, combined with old-fashioned reform and demolition, and targeted support” to implement the transformation.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of sporadic old reforms, Shanghai is formulating the "Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Work of Promoting Sporadic Old Plots in Central Urban Areas." Work innovation and system improvement will be strengthened, and targeted support will be increased, starting with multiple targeted support policies such as planning optimization and adjustment, transformation models, fund raising, financial subsidies, incorporation of expropriation, integration of land use, and participation of state-owned enterprises. Promote sporadic old-renovated land plots to speed up the implementation of renovation and improve the housing conditions of residents.

From "China Construction News"

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