Baoneng-based company Baoneng Zhuke Group actively deploys prefabricated construction technology industry


With the advancement of science and technology, high-tech products have slowly entered our lives, and technological housing will surely replace traditional housing. Nowadays, under the constant impact of high-quality products brought by many developers, people's aesthetics and demand for human settlements are constantly improving, and their cognition of the vision of a better life is naturally improved.

However, with the rapid development of the real estate industry, the real estate market has become increasingly "homogeneous". At this time, how to seek product differentiation, enhance the core competitiveness of real estate, increase the added value of products, and increase the overall charm of the project has become a major issue that major real estate companies have to face. Judging from the current situation, more and more developers will pay more attention to quality and create good products with heart. The empowerment of technology will undoubtedly soon become the home field of competition in the future.

Relying on the industrial advantages and resource advantages of Baoneng Group's three strategic layouts: Baoneng Manufacturing Baoneng, Tech Baoneng, and Minsheng Baoneng. Baoneng Group, a Baoneng company, takes manufacturing Baoneng as the starting point and science and technology Baoneng as the support, focusing on the development of innovative prefabricated building technology industry.

On the one hand, in the field of science and technology construction, gradually build a raw material business chain industry ecosystem, explore the combination of life and technological innovation, and realize the diversified innovation and integration of the industry. Improve the whole-process product service system, from R&D and design, raw material development, main material construction, intelligent equipment, integrated decoration to smart home, and is committed to opening up the entire industrial chain of construction technology and mobilizing superior resources in upstream and downstream output. Form an industrial closed-loop ecosystem, and steadily promote the innovation and development of the science and technology industry of Baoneng Zhuke Group.

On the other hand, in terms of technology-enabled products and services, innovate multi-functional high-tech smart doors and windows, accelerate the standardization of integrated bathrooms, integrated kitchens and other products to meet the functional needs of modern industrialized buildings. Build a scene-centric smart home system to upgrade the entire house, from clothing, food, housing and entertainment to security systems, improve the quality of life with details, and achieve an efficient combination of technology construction industry and smart empowerment.

Baoneng-based company Baoneng Zhuke Group closely follows the requirements of the national industrial strategic development plan, grasps local policies and actively promotes the opportunity of the prefabricated construction industry. Starting from the three major national economic circles of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, and Pearl River Delta, we will deploy a number of key cities across the country to create a national industrialized construction industry cluster.

In the future, the Baoneng-based company Baoneng Sumitomo Group will focus on the group strategy and company's business line, insist on building a highland of talent gathering, enhance product competitiveness, and improve internal management mechanisms. In the field of science and technology construction, we will continue to overcome difficulties, stick to the original intention of developing the industry, and repay the society with hard work.

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