Baoding: Focus on creating a green, ecological and livable central city


Since the beginning of this year, Baoding has taken the goal of building a national green city, further accelerated the development of green buildings, and focused on creating a green, ecologically livable Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei regional central city and a coordinated joint development zone in Xiong’an New District. To this end, the city focuses on the large-scale promotion of green buildings, the green renovation of existing buildings, and the application of renewable energy buildings.

Large-scale promotion of green buildings

Baoding City requires that government-invested or government-invested residential buildings and residential buildings with a construction area of 100,000 square meters or more shall fully implement the requirements for green buildings above one-star level。 Government investment or Office, sports, commercial, hotel, and transportation public buildings that are mainly government investment and non-government investment with a construction area of 20,000 square meters or more shall fully implement the requirements for green buildings above two-star level. By 2025, the proportion of the city’s urban newly-built civil buildings that are planned and constructed according to the standard of one-star and above for green buildings shall be no less than 60%, and the proportion of area planned and constructed according to the two-star and above standards of the green building shall not be less than 25% , The proportion of the area planned and constructed according to the three-star standard of green building is not less than 3%.

Actively promote the renovation of existing building

Baoding City has identified Jingxiu District and Lianchi District in the main urban area as key areas for green renovation of existing buildings, focusing on green renovation of hospital buildings, hotels, and office buildings of state agencies. At the same time, it will carry out green renovation of existing buildings in combination with special work such as the upgrading of the old city and the energy-saving renovation of existing buildings. From 2020 to 2025, the city plans to complete a demonstration of 250,000 square meters of green renovation of existing buildings, including 160,000 square meters of public buildings and 90,000 square meters of residential buildings.

Continue to promote the application of renewable energy in buildings

Baoding City will further optimize its energy structure, build a green power supply system and a clean and environmentally friendly heating system, promote the use of local renewable energy, and strictly control carbon emissions.

It will continue to promote the popularization of the application of solar water heating systems, and implement the integrated design and construction of solar water heating systems and buildings. All new residential buildings in cities and towns below 12 floors should install solar water heating systems. Hotels, hospitals, baths, and new public buildings that require domestic hot water should install solar water heating systems. At the same time, in accordance with local conditions, the construction application of technologies such as ground source heat pumps and air source heat pumps will be promoted.

Steadily advance prefabricated buildings

Baoding City focuses on the development of prefabricated buildings with structural systems such as concrete structures and steel structures. It actively promote the use of prefabricated interior and exterior wall panels, prefabricated stairs, prefabricated (superimposed) floor slabs, prefabricated balcony slabs, prefabricated prestressed components, and integrated parts. Baoding City will comprehensively promote the construction technology of aluminum formwork, steel formwork and other stereotyped combined formwork, and promote the implementation of prefabricated projects.

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