Heilongjiang Province will renovate 1439 old communities this year, benefiting 400,000 households



The reporter learned from a video conference on the renovation of old communities in cities and towns across the province jointly held by the Heilongjiang Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and the Department of Finance. Heilongjiang Province plans to start the renovation of 1,439 old communities in 2021. Involving 77 cities (prefectures) and counties (cities), benefiting 400,000 households. At present, all localities are actively promoting project bidding, starting construction and other work to ensure that the expected goals are satisfactorily achieved.

The meeting stated that in accordance with the arrangement and deployment of the state and Heilongjiang Province, Heilongjiang Province, starting from the second half of 2019, has fully promoted the transformation of old communities in cities and towns. This year is the third year that the renovation of old communities in Heilongjiang Province has been fully promoted, and is also the first year of the "14th Five-Year Plan". At present, the state and Heilongjiang Province attach great importance to the transformation of old communities, support it, and pay attention to unprecedented levels of society and the masses. All localities seized the opportunity, combined with the "I do practical things for the masses" activities to accelerate the progress of the renovation of the planned old community projects to ensure the completion of the tasks that year. Further play the important role of the transformation of old communities in stimulating investment, improving people's livelihood, expanding employment, and promoting consumption, and promote the economic and social development of Heilongjiang.

The meeting requested that the housing construction, development and reform and finance departments in Heilongjiang Province should effectively play a leading role, coordinate the work functions of all relevant departments, integrate and share resources from all parties, and work together to promote project construction. It is necessary to speed up project design, bidding, and construction work, grasp the effective construction period, and ensure the completion of task objectives; it is necessary to establish standardized and unified processes and standards throughout the entire process of project construction to improve the level of project management. According to the actual conditions of the project, coordinate the construction of infrastructure and supporting living service facilities; strengthen the follow-up property management to prevent the problems of chaos after the reform and ensure the results of the reform. It is also necessary to conduct in-depth investigations to find out, preemptively and early, do a good job in mobilizing the masses, deeply understand the needs of the masses, and comprehensively plan and declare the 2022 project.

The meeting clarified that all localities should raise funds for transformation from multiple sources, increase financial investment, actively plan bond support, and implement capital contributions from pipeline franchise units; adhere to the concept of "joint creation" and guide residents to contribute capital in accordance with the principle of "who contributes, who benefits". It is necessary to integrate resources and attract social capital to participate in project construction and operation through mergers and transformations, contiguous transformations, and package transformations. It is also necessary to actively cooperate with financial institutions to obtain financial support. It is necessary to make good use of policies, use sufficient funds, speed up the payment of project funds, and do a good job in the transformation of old communities, which is a major issue of people's livelihood, and present the party's centenary.

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