Shanxi Province Speeds up the Industrialization of New Buildings


Recently, 10 departments including the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department of Shanxi Province jointly issued the "Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Industrialization of New Buildings", which clarified the tasks and measures for the province to promote the industrialization of new buildings and the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry.

The new construction industrialization is driven by a new generation of information technology, using systematic integrated design and lean production and construction throughout the project life cycle as the main means to integrate the entire engineering industry chain, value chain and innovation chain to realize the high-efficiency, high-quality, low-consumption, and low-emission  construction industrialization of engineering construction. The development of new building industrialization is the main measure for green development and low-carbon circular development in urban and rural construction. It is an important means to stabilize growth, promote reforms, and adjust structure. It is also an inherent requirement for creating a "dual engine" for economic development.

The implementation opinions put forward four tasks: First, promote the integration and optimization of the whole process of the project, innovate the project organization and management model, and realize the intensification of construction management and the socialization of the construction process. The second is to accelerate the integration and development of information technology, strengthen scientific and technological support, and realize the digital intelligence of construction methods. The third is to vigorously develop prefabricated buildings, promote the full decoration of buildings, and realize the industrialization of construction methods. The fourth is to improve the quality supervision and project evaluation mechanism, accelerate the cultivation of talents, and realize the modernization of construction quality. In order to effectively promote the implementation of various tasks, the implementation opinions have also clarified 4 safeguard measures: one is to promote the implementation of the project, the other is to demonstrate and lead the backbone, the third is to increase financial support, and the fourth is to strengthen incentives.

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