Four green building and building energy efficiency demonstration projects in Taixing City, Jiangsu Province passed the provincial acceptance


On May 27 and 28, Wei Bojun, deputy director of the Green Building and Science and Technology Division of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Jiangsu Province, led an expert group to inspect and accept projects such as the Demonstration Project of Energy Management for Office Buildings in Taizhou, China Medical City East CBD Ground Source Heat Pump Contract Energy Management Demonstration Project (Phase II), Taixing Second People’s Hospital Renewable Energy Building Application Demonstration Project. Relevant persons in charge of the Municipal Green Construction Center, the Housing Construction Bureau of the Pharmaceutical High-tech Zone, and the Taixing Housing Construction Bureau were accompanied.

The acceptance expert group listened to the summary report of the construction unit, inspected the project site, and after inquiries and discussions, unanimously agreed that the four projects met the acceptance requirements and completed the construction goals.

The Demonstration Project of the Office Building Energy Management Project in Taizhou City adopts the energy trusteeship service model to realize the refined management of building energy. Through energy diagnosis analysis and energy audit, it promotes the energy-saving transformation of the demonstration project and promotes the improvement of the building energy-saving management level.

China Medical City Eastern CBD Ground Source Heat Pump Contract Energy Management Demonstration Project (Phase II) is based on the first phase of the soil source + lake water source composite heat pump energy station, and the energy station equipment system has been upgraded and transformed. It provides cold and heat sources for nearly 190,000 square meters of buildings such as the business and technical buildings of the Municipal Public Security Bureau and high-tech office buildings. The project has been evaluated for energy efficiency, and the annual energy saving can reach 1,623 tons of standard coal.

The Renewable Energy Building Application Demonstration Project of Taixing Second People's Hospital uses two renewable energy systems, soil source and solar hot water.

Taixing City New World Plaza 6# Block Renewable Energy Building Application and Low-energy Building Demonstration Project Centralized Air Conditioning Cold and Heat Sources Use Underground Ground Source Heat Pump Units.

The four demonstration projects successfully passed the provincial inspection and acceptance, which promoted the improvement of Taixing's green building and building energy-saving management level, and played a good demonstrative role.

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