Liaoning Province strives to reach 70% of new green buildings this year


A few days ago, the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department of Liaoning Province issued the "Key Points of Provincial Building Energy Conservation and Construction Technology Work in 2021." It is proposed to implement 100% of newly-built civil buildings in cities and towns to implement national energy-saving compulsory standards, newly built green buildings in cities and towns account for 70% of new buildings, prefabricated buildings to account for 21% of newly-built buildings in cities and towns, to further improve the ability of independent innovation in construction technology, and to complete a batch of urban renewal technology application pilot demonstration projects.

The document pointed out that Liaoning Province must strictly implement the energy-saving standards of 75% for urban residential buildings and 65% for public buildings, combine with the renovation of old communities, carry out energy-saving renovations of existing buildings with renovation value, and hold "Building Energy-saving Publicity Week" activities. At the same time, our province should also study and promote the establishment of steel structure industrial bases in Anshan, Benxi, Yingkou, Chaoyang and other cities to promote the development of prefabricated buildings. In terms of speeding up the construction of technological innovation, Liaoning Province should improve the construction of a scientific and technological expert database, establish a construction science and technology professional committee, and conduct scientific research and project research and development in key areas such as green buildings, prefabricated buildings, and smart heating. In addition, Liaoning Province should also comprehensively promote the construction of the City Information Model (CIM) platform, and build CIM basic platforms for provincial, Shenyang, Dalian, Shenfu demonstration zones and cities with conditions.

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