Pan Feng, Secretary of Party Committee in Ruyang Country and his entourage inspected Drawin Group to promote the implementation of the Luoyang Green Building Science and Technology Park project


Recently, Pan Feng, Secretary of Ruyang County Party Committee, Luoyang City, Henan Province, and his entourage visited Drawin Group to inspect the development of Zhuyou Group's prefabricated buildings and promote the implementation of the Luoyang Green Building Science and Technology Park project. Leaders such as Shi Liqiang, deputy director of Ruyang County Industrial Zone, and Ren Junxian, director of China Merchants Bureau, visited together. Leaders such as Guo Weiqiang, President of Drawin Group and Yu Dayou, Chief Technology Officer of Drawin Group, welcomed them warmly.

Ruyang County Party Committee Secretary Pan Feng and his entourage inspected Drawin Group to promote the implementation of the Luoyang Green Building Science and Technology Park project

Pan Feng, Secretary of Party Committee in Ruyang Country and his entourage visited Zhuyou Group

In June of this year, Drawin Group signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Ruyang County Government to build the Luoyang Green Building Science and Technology Park project in the Ruyang County Industrial Concentration Area, mainly to provide green prefabricated building components for Luoyang City, Ruyang County and surrounding areas. This project is the fourth green building technology park of Drawin Group in Henan Province after Jiaozuo, Zhoukou, and Dengfeng Green Building Technology Park. It is another strategic achievement of Drawin Group's continuous expansion of Henan Province.

Ruyang County Party Committee Secretary Pan Feng and his entourage inspected Drawin Group to promote the implementation of the Luoyang Green Building Science and Technology Park project

Exchange symposium

Secretary Pan Feng and his entourage, accompanied by President Guo, visited the Drawin Group’s corporate exhibition hall, product crafts hall, and Changsha factory. They listened to the explanations of relevant staff and learned in detail about the development history, technological advantages, product technology and achievements of Drawin Group. At the same time, they asked carefully about the advantages of the PC factory in terms of green, environmental protection, and sustainable development, and its role in increasing taxation, promoting employment, and promoting industrial transformation.

Ruyang County Party Committee Secretary Pan Feng and his entourage inspected Drawin Group to promote the implementation of the Luoyang Green Building Science and Technology Park project

Pan Feng, Secretary of Country Party in Ruyang Country

Secretary Pan Feng expressed his gratitude to President Guo and other leaders for their warm reception. He said that Drawin Group attaches great importance to the advancement of the science and technology park project. President Guo personally went to Ruyang County to discuss the implementation of the project on many occasions, and the project progressed smoothly. This visit gave us an understanding of Drawin Group’s corporate strength in scientific research, innovation, operation and management, and we are full of confidence in project cooperation. We hope that both parties will further strengthen communication and promote the project to go into production as soon as possible.

Ruyang County Party Committee Secretary Pan Feng and his entourage inspected Drawin Group to promote the implementation of the Luoyang Green Building Science and Technology Park project

Guo Weiqiang, President of Drawin Group

President Guo, on behalf of all employees of Drawin Group, warmly welcomes Secretary Pan Feng to visit and guide the work. He said that the science and technology park project invested by Drawin Group has the characteristics of an export-oriented economy in which investment is local, taxation is local, and employment is local. Under the premise of green, environmental protection and sustainable development, it can effectively promote the transformation and upgrading of the local construction industry and effectively promote the development of the local society and economy. Henan Province is the headquarters area of Drawin Group. Ruyang Country is close to Luoyang City, the sub-central city of Henan Province. Ruyang County has an advantageous geographical location, a long cultural history and rich natural resources. It is a key industrial layout area of Drawin Group. Drawin Group is willing to adopt the latest generation of equipment and technology in the shortest time and at the fastest speed to promote the project to be put into production as soon as possible, and to serve the local social and economic development as soon as possible. It is hoped that both parties will increase coordination and promote the implementation of the project.

 The two sides also conducted constructive discussions on issues such as mining development, raw material supply, commercial facilities, and infrastructure construction.

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