"Fujian Province Green Building Development Regulations (Draft)" submitted to the first instance



Bring the development of green buildings into the track of the rule of law

"Fujian Province Green Building Development Regulations (Draft)" submitted to the first instance

The reporter learned from the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Fujian Provincial People's Congress that is being held on May 26 that the "Fujian Province Green Building Development Regulations (Draft)" has been submitted to this meeting for the first review. The "Regulations (Draft)" has made clear provisions on issues such as green building standards and implementation, the preparation of green building special plans, and a closed management mechanism for the whole process of green buildings.

It is understood that the total amount of buildings in Fujian Province is large, with more than 60 million square meters of new building area each year. The energy consumed in the production, construction and use of building materials accounts for about 30% of the total energy consumption of the whole society. Compared with traditional buildings, green buildings can significantly improve the health and comfort of buildings on the basis of energy saving and consumption reduction. Up to now, Fujian Province has added more than 100 million square meters of green building area, formulated a series of supporting policies and standards, and accumulated rich experience in green building planning, construction, and management.

According to the latest national green building evaluation standards, green buildings are divided into four levels: basic, one-star, two-star, and three-star. In order to adapt measures to local conditions and promote the development of green buildings in an orderly manner, the "Regulations (Draft)" requires the provincial government housing and urban and rural construction departments to formulate local standards for green buildings in accordance with their natural environmental conditions and economic development level, and determine the technical requirements for corresponding grades of green buildings.

The "Regulations (Draft)" lists a separate chapter "Guide and Incentives", clarifying the research and development of new technologies, new processes, new materials and new equipment for green buildings by universities, R&D institutions and enterprises. Its research and development and achievement transformation activities enjoy tax incentives in accordance with national regulations, and the construction, purchase and operation of green buildings can enjoy a series of support policies.

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