Meihao Housing Intelligent Manufacturing Group and Xiangdu District Government of Xingtai City signed a strategic cooperation agreement


On the afternoon of May 17, the "Sharing Opportunities, Catch-up and Development" Xingtai Investment Promotion Conference and Key Project Signing Ceremony was held in the International Hall of Beijing International Hotel. The organizer is the Xingtai Municipal Government, and Zhang Qiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Xingtai Municipal Party Committee and Executive Deputy Mayor, presided over the work and delivered a speech.

As one of the signatories of Xingtai City’s key projects, Meihao House Intelligent Manufacturing (Group), CEO of Meihao House Intelligent Manufacturing (Group), signed a strategic cooperation agreement for the construction of a prefabricated building demonstration project with the Xiangdu District Government of Xingtai City. The two parties reached a strategic cooperation on the joint construction of the Xingtai prefabricated building demonstration project, and adhered to the development direction of standardized design, information management, and intelligent application. Continuously increase the proportion of A-level prefabricated buildings in new buildings, and comprehensively promote the development of higher-level and higher-quality prefabricated buildings in Xingtai City.

Meihao Housing Intelligent Manufacturing (Group) provides SEPC services for integrated housing intelligent manufacturing for the promotion of Xingtai prefabricated demonstration projects. It covers investment consulting, technical planning, planning and design, house sales, component processing, assembly construction, decoration, delivery and maintenance, and property services. It drives the entire industrial chain of the upper, middle and lower reaches, and fully assists the development of Xingtai's prefabricated construction industry. To create a demonstration business card for prefabricated buildings in Hebei Province and even the whole country in Xingtai City, guide Xingtai prefabricated buildings to a high-level and high-quality development path, and fully contribute to the economic development of Xingtai City.

At the meeting, Deputy Mayor Zhang Qiang delivered an important speech, expressing his great affirmation and recognition of the cooperation projects between the two parties, and said that he would fully support the implementation of the prefabricated demonstration project of Smart House Intelligent Manufacturing (Group) in Xingtai City. Provide policy support in terms of capacity release, floor area ratio incentives, capital supervision, pre-sales and sales, approval and construction of green channels, etc., and require projects to be implemented as soon as possible, catch up with development, and work together to promote A-level demonstration projects to take root in Xingtai City .

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QQ customer service: 1575099316

Wechat customer service: 13327892019



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