The construction speed of 8 consecutive floors reached 4 days/floor, and the Kunming Sunshine City project in the Central South Region of Drawin Group was praised by the owner

Author:Drawin Group


Recently, the Kunming Sunshine City Project Department of the Central South Region of Drawin Group received a pennant from the owner to commend the project department for its spirit of "tackling tough problems" during the construction of the project.

The Kunming Sunshine City project was undertaken by the Drawin Group Zhongnan District. The project has a construction area of 89,000 square meters, including 6 11-story houses (5#, 6#, 7#, 8#, 18#, 19# buildings), 4 5 cascading residential buildings (16#, 17#, 20#, 21# buildings).

Affected by factors such as the lag in the handover time of some sites, the project deviated from the expected construction node. Faced with many difficulties such as tight time, heavy tasks, severe rainy weather, and the inability to pour concrete at night, all the staff of the project department are fighting on the front line. Through special personnel in the region, funds coordination, construction process deployment, construction manpower deployment, construction time increase, coordination of immediate construction acceptance and other methods. Under the premise of ensuring safe production and construction quality, the construction of 8 consecutive floors reached a speed of 4 days per floor, and the owner's "4·30" all-top node requirement was successfully achieved.

"Overcoming difficulties, the mission must be achieved! Customers are the driving force for the development of Drawin Group, and the praise of customers is our greatest affirmation!" The person in charge of the project said that in the future, all personnel in the project department will continue to be "customer-centric", do their best to do their work well, meet customer needs, and serve customers with better project performance, so as to "build a friend with one hand and be a friend for life".

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