Baoding, Hebei: Promote smart construction and promote the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry


Since the beginning of this year, Baoding Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau has actively promoted the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry, and promoted innovative development, green development, and high-quality development in the construction field of the city.

At present, the transformation and upgrading of intelligent construction is imminent. Only by seizing the opportunity in the wave of intelligent construction reform can traditional construction enterprises win a place in the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and the construction of the Xiong'an New District. To this end, Baoding Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau organized a smart construction training meeting organized by the city and county housing construction departments on May 20. Inviting well-known experts and business leaders in the field of intelligent construction in the province to introduce key products, technologies and services in the field of intelligent construction such as intelligent construction robots, BIM technology applications, and Internet platforms for the construction industry. It provides a platform for learning advanced concepts and cutting-edge technologies, and also provides new ideas and new measures for solving problems in engineering construction such as low efficiency, material waste, labor shortage, and safe production.

The relevant person in charge of the Baoding Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Bureau stated that the promotion of intelligent construction will be included in the current and future focus of the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry, and efforts will be made to support a group of forward-looking enterprises with development potential. Actively guide and support a group of qualified and motivated enterprises to lay the foundation for the transformation and upgrading of Baoding's construction industry, seek layout, and promote development. At the same time, through seminars, training meetings, field surveys and other forms, fully listen to the opinions of enterprises, respond to their demands, provide normalized training services for construction enterprises, and promote breakthroughs in the transformation and upgrading of the city's construction industry.

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