Hebei Province has started reconstruction of 2,237 old communities this year



In the No. 1 yard of the Machinery Factory in the Fuxing District of Handan City, the old bathhouse, which has been abandoned for many years, has been transformed into the city’s first community “political life hall” for party members. Here, with the main line of major events, important figures, and social scenes in the 100 years of the founding of the party, coupled with a concise and easy-to-understand interpretation of party history, party members often “look in the mirror, dress up, wash and bathe, and treat illnesses”. In the process of implementing the transformation of the old community, considering that the majority of the elderly in the machine factory community, the community has created the city's first "healthy pastoral" theme community. In the near future, the area will continue to be renovated and upgraded, and a neighborhood center, a shared kitchen, a Red Party History Reading Club, a chronic disease prevention and control service station, etc. will be set up to further improve the community's functions and enrich the residents' spare time.

Since Hebei Province launched the renovation of old communities in 2018, as of the end of 2020, the province has renovated 6,311 old communities in cities and towns, which has effectively improved the living environment of residents in old communities and improved the quality of living. This year, Hebei Province plans to renovate 3,057 old communities, involving 520,000 residents. This is the heaviest year of renovation tasks in recent years. Up to now, the province has started to renovate 2,237 old communities, with an operating rate of 73%. Not only that, this year's renovation of old communities in Hebei Province has four new changes compared with the past.

Expand the content of renovation and build a complete residential community

Based on the past renovations such as the renovation of water, electricity, gas, roads, firefighting and other infrastructure, purification and beautification of the community environment, and installation of elevators, the construction of community public service facilities such as elderly care, childcare, catering, and convenience markets have been added. Promote the construction of a complete residential community with safety and health, complete facilities, and orderly management, and create a 5-15 minute living circle to make the life of the residents in the transformed community more convenient and livable. Coordinate the special transformation plans, dynamically monitor the progress, and promote the simultaneous implementation and simultaneous acceptance of the special transformation and the transformation of old communities in cities and towns.

Raise funds through multiple channels and explore market-oriented transformation models

In the past, the transformation of old communities was mainly funded by governments at all levels, while residents and social forces contributed less. This year, Hebei Province, while continuing to increase financial investment at all levels, actively promotes the establishment of a mechanism for the government, residents, and society to rationally share reform funds. The responsibilities of residents’ contributions have been implemented, and it has been clarified that residents’ investment and demolition of illegally constructed communities are prioritized. Residents of old communities can contribute funds to participate in the reconstruction through direct investment, use of residential special maintenance funds, and transfer of public benefits from the community. At the same time, actively guide all localities to explore ways to attract social forces to participate in the transformation of old communities in a market-oriented manner. For example, encourage and support enterprises to transform and operate various facilities in old communities. Encourage and support all localities to adopt large-scale regional overall planning and balance, cross-regional portfolio balance funds and other models, introduce cooperative enterprises, use social capital for transformation, and form a long-term mechanism to promote the continuous rolling transformation of old communities.

Build a platform for communication and discussion, and the official account has become a “bridge between the hearts of the government and citizens”

Clarify three 80% work requirements, that is, 80% of the residents agree before the renovation, 80% of the residents will make a renovation plan, and 80% of the residents will be satisfied before the completion and acceptance. In order to implement the three 80% requirements, the WeChat public account of "Hebei Old Community Renovation" was opened to mobilize residents to participate in the whole process of renovation. The official account released the interpretation of the old community renovation policy, and answered questions from the masses in a timely manner. Through online survey of residents’ willingness to renovate, renovation plan opinions and satisfaction degree, an automatic statistical analysis of residents’ renovation willingness, renovation plan opinions and suggestions, and residents’ satisfaction after renovation is realized. The official account is set up with the function of "shooting at hand" to accept supervision by the masses in real time. Residents in the community can take photos anytime and anywhere and upload them to relevant departments through the official account to promptly grasp and resolve the problems and contradictions in the renovation work.

Improve the long-term management mechanism, and improve hardware transformation and property services simultaneously

Before the transformation of the old community, the property management mode and management protocol shall be negotiated and determined to provide guarantee for the sustainable management of the follow-up. Encourage the implementation of grid management in the property management area, and introduce property service companies through methods such as packaging old communities with new ones, and "removing walls and yards" in old communities. Reduce service costs, improve management efficiency, and increase the coverage of professional property management, so that the old community will be upgraded with hardware facilities while simultaneously improving the property service level of the community.

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