Guangzhou City Optimizing Pre-evaluation Information System of Prefabricated Buildings to Improve Quality and Efficiency


The Guangzhou Energy-saving Wall Reform Office practiced the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, continuously improving its work style, taking the “online mass line” with heart and affection, and making full use of the Internet platform to solve practical problems for the private sector.

The first is to implement online processing to ensure "only one run" throughout the entire process. By adjusting the prefabricated building management system, practicing the online mass line, optimizing the formal review process and links, and achieving online management as much as possible. The information management system is used to complete data submission, form review, expert opinion feedback, and pre-evaluation opinions review and issuance, to ensure that the entire pre-evaluation process of the assembly-style pre-evaluation is "only run once" and only needs to go to the site to participate in the expert review meeting. The second is to implement online management to improve service management. Study the addition of a prefabricated construction expert library management module, and implement the city's unified numbering and information management for the establishment of archives of all experts in the library. One person, one file, record the quality of work, participation in training, bad behavior, etc., and take the number of professional technical services provided by the expert and the record of participating in relevant training as an important basis for the review of expert qualification. Provide a strong guarantee for the implementation of prefabricated construction projects and expert services; The third is to implement online consultation and answer questions in a timely manner. Simultaneously carry out online consulting services, reasonably arrange external consulting service time, and promptly answer difficult problems encountered by the project; fourth, implement online disclosure and regular publicity. Enhance the transparency of work and publish a list of pre-evaluated projects on the Internet every month to facilitate the general public to inquire and understand the results of project evaluations.

In April this year, 108 single buildings in the city have been pre-evaluated, with a construction area of 1.819 million square meters, an increase of 278.6% year-on-year, and an average of 25 prefabricated construction projects were received and guided each month. The expert review time limit is reduced from 20 working days to 15 working days, and the duration is reduced by 25%. The frequency of organizing expert reviews has increased from once every two weeks to the current twice a week.

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