Hebei Province Issues Unified Technical Measures for External Thermal Insulation Projects of Civil Buildings



In order to eliminate the safety hazards of the external thermal insulation project of civil buildings, improve the quality of the external thermal insulation project of civil buildings in Hebei Province, prevent fires in the external thermal insulation project of buildings, and effectively guarantee the safety of people’s lives and property, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development recently issued a notice to issue the "Unified Technical Measures for the External Thermal Insulation Project of Civil Buildings in Hebei Province", which will be implemented on July 1, 2021.

"Hebei Province Civil Building External Thermal Insulation Engineering Uniform Technical Measures" mainly involves three measures.

Promote the use of external wall insulation technology. It mainly promotes the use of four technologies: the built-in thermal insulation system of poured concrete, the external wall thermal insulation system of steel wire grid composite board spraying mortar, the large-form built-in cast-in-place concrete composite insulation board system, and the large-form built-in cast-in-situ concrete insulation board system. And make clear requirements for its technical characteristics, technical measures, implementation standards, scope of application and basis.

Promote the use of insulation products. Mainly promote the use of A2 and B1 insulation materials, and make clear requirements for their technical characteristics, technical requirements, implementation standards and scope of application.

Restrict the use of external wall insulation technology and products. The construction site adopts cement or anchor bolts and the thin plaster external wall external insulation system combined with the two methods. It is forbidden to design and use the external wall of the new, rebuilt, or expanded civil building project as the main thermal insulation system (except for the masonry structure). It can be used in new, rebuilt, expanded civil building masonry structure projects, existing buildings, and old community renovation projects. Combustion performance is B2 grade materials and extruded polystyrene foam panels for thermal insulation, and it is forbidden to design and use the outer wall of the main thermal insulation system on the outer wall of the newly built, rebuilt, and expanded civil construction. Extruded polystyrene foam panels for heat insulation produced from recycled materials can be used in roofing and ground engineering.

The notice requires that the subjects responsible for the quality of various projects should enhance the awareness of the safety and quality of the external thermal insulation of civil buildings, strengthen the management of project quality and safety, and earnestly fulfill the responsibility of project quality and safety, and build high-quality and qualified products for the society. All localities are required to strengthen the quality supervision of external wall insulation projects, strengthen the supervision of the whole construction process, increase the intensity of random inspections of material quality, and deal with violations of laws and regulations and responsible units in accordance with the law.

The notice emphasized that before July 1, 2021, projects that have not yet obtained construction permits should be strictly implemented in accordance with this regulation. For projects under construction that have obtained construction permits and fail to implement this provision, the construction unit’s primary responsibility for project quality and safety shall be consolidated, and daily inspections, special inspections and hidden danger investigations of the external thermal insulation works of the building’s external walls shall be strengthened. The hidden safety hazards discovered should be dealt with in a timely manner, and the fire safety education and system for the personnel in the building should be implemented to ensure the safety and reliability of the project.

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