Hebei Province kicks off ahead of schedule the renovation of old urban communities in 2022



Recently, the Office of the Leading Group for the Reconstruction of Old Communities in Hebei Province issued a notice requesting all localities are required to follow the principle of “implement one batch, plan one batch, and reserve a batch”, while vigorously promoting the renovation of old urban communities this year, start the renovation of old urban communities in 2022 ahead of schedule.

Do a good job in project selection and establish a project reserve database

All localities should build a reserve bank of old community reconstruction projects in 2022 in accordance with the urban old community reconstruction plan during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period. To be included in the reserve pool project, it must meet the requirements of the national old community renovation scope and renovation standards, and the number of residents willing to renovate the community shall not be less than 80%. A competitive review system for projects will be implemented, and communities with strong residents' willingness to renovate, high investment ratios, and active demolition of illegally built communities will be included in the project reserve.

Adhere to both inside and outside, scientifically formulate the transformation plan

All localities must keep a close eye on the masses' "emergency and worry" issue. Using the “Statistical System of Residents’ Willingness to Renovate Old Communities in Hebei”, the WeChat public account of “Reconstruction of Old Communities in Hebei” fully solicits the wishes of residents in the proposed community, and effectively incorporates residents’ “most concerned, most direct, and most realistic” demands into the content of the renovation. In accordance with the requirements of “underground first, then above ground, foundation first, then upgrade, first function, then landscape”, priority is given to the transformation of content that residents reflect strongly and affects residents’ daily lives, and the content of basic transformation should be changed as much as possible. Actively promote planners, designers, and engineers to enter the community to participate in the formulation of renovation plans and improve the effects of renovation.

Have the courage to pioneer and innovate, form its own characteristics

It is necessary to optimize the process of project generation, establish a competitive review mechanism for projects, formulate competitive scoring standards, and stimulate residents' enthusiasm for participation. Based on the actual situation, through the promotion of large-scale area coordination, cross-district combination, self-balancing within the district and other district linkage comprehensive renovation, the old district renovation and urban construction, shantytown renovation, urban village renovation and other projects are integrated to attract social capital to participate in the renovation. Encourage the establishment or introduction of state-owned platforms to implement transformation in a market-oriented manner, encourage the design unit as the main implementation entity, and adopt an integrated design and construction approach to promote transformation.

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