Beijing requires new projects to meet at least one-star standard for green buildings



Beijing requires new projects to meet at least one-star green building standards, but in Shijingshan, this standard is even higher. Residential projects less than two stars and public buildings less than three stars will fail the completion acceptance.

"According to statistics from the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, buildings occupy 50% of the entire society's energy consumption, consume 48% of water resources, emit 50% of greenhouse gases and more than 40% of solid waste." Meng Chong, executive deputy director of the Green Building Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Urban Science, introduced that to reduce social energy consumption, the promotion of energy-efficient buildings is an important breakthrough.

In order to promote regional high-end green development, in 2015, Shijingshan District formulated relevant implementation plans to raise the standard for residential projects to two stars and three stars for public buildings on the basis that new projects in the city must meet at least the one-star standard for green buildings.

To this end, Shijingshan District has established a leading group for promoting green building construction. The group leader is the deputy district head in charge, the district housing construction committee takes the lead, and the district development and reform committee, land bureau, planning branch and other functional departments are members. They monitor the entire process from land listing, project design, approval, construction, acceptance, and environmental assessment. New completed projects that fail to meet the corresponding standards will not be accepted and put into use.

The three-glass two-cavity curtain wall is 50% thicker than the traditional wall and consumes only 31.8% of the original energy. Solar photovoltaic power generation combined with variable frequency power saving system saves 600,000 kWh of electricity every year; air filtration and fresh air system can remove more than 90% of PM2.5. The three-fold adjustment of the sunken green space, the reservoir, and the permeable ground effectively regulates the use of rainwater... Recently, the Jingxi Business Center project was completed and passed the acceptance, becoming the first public construction project to pass the acceptance since the implementation of the new standard.

Not only commercial buildings, the quality of residential projects in Shijingshan District has also been greatly improved since the implementation of the new standards. The security room of the Bajiao No. 2 Cement Pipe Factory under construction is equipped with kitchen waste treatment facilities and uses microbial decomposition technology to turn kitchen waste into organic fertilizer. The photothermal system converts solar energy into electricity for daily use such as bathing and cooking. The indoor air quality detection and alarm facilities can better determine the indoor air conditions of each household, so as to achieve timely warning...

With the improvement of the building star rating, the construction cost also increases. In order to mobilize the enthusiasm of the construction unit, on the basis of municipal awards, the Shijingshan District Government will award 10 yuan and 30 yuan per square meter. Industrial parks and low-density residential areas that meet the city's green ecological demonstration zone standards will also be rewarded with 3 million yuan.

With policy guidance, departmental supervision, and financial rewards, all projects under construction in Shijingshan District are constructed in accordance with the new star standards. Up to now, there are two public construction projects with a three-star green building design mark, with a construction area of 598,700 square meters; and one residential project with a two-star green building design mark with a construction area of 42,300 square meters.

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