Chizhou City, Anhui Province, high-quality promotion of the livelihood project of old communities in the main urban area


Since the beginning of this year, Chizhou City has actively planned projects, taking the reconstruction of old communities in the main urban area as an important starting point for promoting urban renewal. Adopting a district transformation as the main and demolition and relocation as a supplementary method, 73 old districts are divided into 18 districts, and the districts are transformed. The municipal infrastructure, public service facilities and the overall appearance of the community will be rectified, and construction will start after April 20. The remaining 5 communities will be determined after consultation with the public.

Persist in high-level promotion. The "Implementation Plan for the Reconstruction of Old Communities in the Main Urban District in 2021" was formulated and issued, and the municipal government established a leading group for the renovation of old communities and shanty towns in the main urban area. At the same time, it was clarified that 14 cadres at the deputy county level and above were responsible for the 18 districts, coordinating difficulties and blocking issues.

Implement the general contracting model. The project was undertaken by China Railway Fourth Bureau Group and implemented the EPC general contracting management model. Compared with the traditional and fragmented old community renovation project implementation form, adopting the EPC general contracting mode for construction can not only make flexible adjustments and continuous optimization of the overall renovation plan, but also avoid the disconnection of design, procurement, construction, debugging and other links, optimizes the management process, and saves the construction period.

Strict quality management. A unified transformation plan will be prepared, focusing on the improvement of infrastructure such as water, electricity, roads, and gas. In accordance with the needs of residents, we will actively promote the improvement of the content, encourage and support the installation of elevators in existing residences. It is clarified that the renovation of old communities shall be carried out in six steps: opinion solicitation, plan preparation, plan review, drawing design, project construction, and completion acceptance. In terms of construction management, the winning bidder was interviewed and the construction company was required to strictly comply with the contract to ensure the quality, safety and duration of the project. During the construction process, the opinions of residents will be continuously solicited, and we will strive to achieve "modification once at most, once in place", and accept supervision from all aspects of society.

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