With a total length of 59.729 kilometers, the Jiwei Expressway Bridge, the largest assembly city in Shandong Province, rises from the ground



A few days ago, the viaduct of the Jining High-tech Development Zone has been erected, marking that the construction of the Jinan to Weishan and Jining New Airport to Zaohe Expressway sections using the new technology of prefabricated bridges is progressing steadily, laying a solid foundation for the opening to traffic at the end of 2022.

The Jining section of the Jiwei Expressway is an important part of the province's "nine verticals, five horizontals, one ring, seven shots and multiple connections" expressway network. The total length of the project is 59.729 kilometers, and the starting point is located in Xinyi Town, Yanzhou District. It passes through Yanzhou District, High-tech Zone, Zoucheng City and Weishan County to the south, and connects with Zaohe Expressway in the south of the two towns of Weishan County. The proportion of bridges in the project is as high as 64.3%, of which 40% of the bridge substructure adopts prefabricated design and construction. All concealed culverts and cap slab culverts are prefabricated design and construction, with 1,020 prefabricated piers, 1,259 prefabricated cap beams, and 11,913 prefabricated beams. It is the largest expressway in the province with prefabricated design and construction. After the completion of the project, the three east-west expressways of Dongliang, Rilan and Zaohe can be connected, which is of great significance for improving the road network of Jining, alleviating regional traffic pressure, and promoting economic and social development.

It is understood that according to the large volume of prefabricated components, the construction of the Jiwei Expressway project divides the prefabricated yard into three functional areas: steel bar processing area, component pouring area, and finished product storage area. Innovatively adopt fully enclosed all-weather operation, mobile chassis + high temperature steaming, and assembly line operation. The factory has mechanized prefabrication and mechanical installation, forming a complete and mature construction technology, achieving the goal of automatic flow operation, "mechanization substitution, automation reduction".

"At present, the prefabrication and installation of prefabricated pier columns and prefabricated cap beams of the high-tech viaduct, high-tech viaduct (intercommunication) and high-tech south viaduct, 38 prefabricated box culverts and 30 prefabricated cap culverts have been successfully completed." The relevant person in charge of the project management department of the Jining section of the Jiwei Expressway introduced that the next step will be to accelerate the construction of the project in an all-round way, and strive to achieve an early opening to traffic, and contribute to the construction of a new era of modernization and strong city construction in Jining.

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