The old pipe network in Hebei implements the rolling transformation of "reform as soon as it exists"


The Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Hebei Province recently announced that in order to further improve the service guarantee level of the municipal industry and continuously improve the operation of the municipal pipe network, the province plans to transform 288 kilometers of municipal heating secondary pipe network in 2021. In 2021, the new water supply, heating, and gas old pipeline network will be implemented "reform as soon as there is" rolling renovation, strengthen the safety operation and emergency protection capabilities of the municipal industry, and improve the level of corporate management and convenient services.

Beginning in 2018, Hebei Province has carried out special operations for the renovation of old municipal pipe networks for three consecutive years, transforming a total of 6863.2 kilometers of old pipe networks. Among them, the water supply pipeline network is 1503.6 kilometers, the gas pipeline network is 468.6 kilometers, and the heating pipeline network is 4891 kilometers.

In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the old pipe network renovation this year, Hebei Province requires all localities to optimize the approval process, reasonably reduce the construction period, and organize the construction in a scientific and orderly manner under the premise of ensuring the safety of the renovation and the quality of the project.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Hebei Province, Hebei Province will make full use of the golden season of construction to ensure that the annual target tasks are completed by the end of October. According to the scale of renovation, construction conditions, etc., the renovation investment is calculated in detail. Give full play to the guiding role of government investment, encourage social capital to participate in the renovation of the old pipe network, and fully guarantee the funds for the renovation of the old municipal pipe network.

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