Dongying Vocational College built the first "1+X" prefabricated construction training base in Shandong Province


Recently, Shandong Province's first national "1+X" prefabricated building component production and installation skill certificate test center-prefabricated building training base was established in Dongying Vocational College. The base can provide venues and technical support for school students and construction company employees to carry out prefabricated building component production and installation training, and to obtain skills certificates. It will effectively promote the modernization of talent training and industrial development of the construction industry in Dongying City.

The training base is planned and designed based on the "1+X" intermediate assessment standard for the production and installation of prefabricated building components, meeting the needs of prefabricated building related professional teaching and training, and docking with the height of the training of prefabricated building talents in Dongying City. Based on the construction principle of "combination of virtuality and reality", the base is mainly divided into two parts. The integrated simulation teaching system of assembly theory and practice that integrates the "1+X" standard—Including Wuhan Zhendao Zhixiang prefabricated building drawing simulation training software, Zhendao Zhixiang prefabricated building production simulation training software, Zhendao Zhixiang prefabricated building construction simulation training software and Hongwa prefabricated PC component deepening software. Practical teaching system for prefabricated construction posts based on "1+X": It mainly includes component production operation area, prefabricated component assembly construction operation area, grouting operation operation area and prefabricated building waterproof construction operation area.

Relying on the needs of the enterprise industry, this training base meets the "1+X" assessment, adapts to Dongying City's goal of training prefabricated construction talents, and forms a virtual and actual integrated teaching and training system.

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