Glodon showcases new responsibilities in the new era and continues to empower the digital transformation of the construction industry


Recently, the preparation of the "Report on the Information Development of China's Construction Industry (2020)" was officially launched. As the leader of global digital construction platform service providers, Glodon will jointly participate in the writing of the report, presenting typical applications of intelligent construction and cutting-edge exploration.

During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, the role of the pillar industry in the construction industry has continued to increase. The scale of my country's construction industry has reached the world's leading level, but the quality of development needs to be improved. Under the new development pattern of the "14th Five-Year Plan", it is even more necessary for companies to fulfill their social responsibilities, give full play to their advantages, and help the construction industry enter a new era of sustainable development and innovation, and achieve high-quality development of the industry.

In the process of digital transformation of the construction industry, Glodon has been committed to technology-driven transformation, with continuous innovation and value creation, and consciously fulfilling its social responsibilities. Recently, Glodon released the "2020 Social Responsibility Report". The report shows Glodon's efforts in corporate governance, fighting the epidemic, innovation-driven, low-carbon development, high-quality services, caring for employees, and harmonious society. It explains the new responsibilities and new actions that leading digital companies in the construction industry should have in the new era.

Since its establishment, Glodon has always been "leading the global construction field informatization services and promoting the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry" as its mission, empowering digital buildings through science and technology, building an Internet platform for the construction industry with advanced information technology, and advancing the construction of engineering projects. At the same time, they strive to achieve the goal of reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 50% and lead the development of building products in the direction of green, smart and livable.

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