Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province Accelerates the Development of Green Buildings and Improves the Living Quality of the People



On April 27, Zhou Nong, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Hunan Provincial People's Congress, led a research team to Zhuzhou to conduct legislative investigations on the "Regulations on the Development of Green Buildings in Hunan Province (Draft)."

Wang Gang, Wu Qiuju, and Hu Xueqing, members of the investigation team of the Standing Committee of the Hunan Provincial People's Congress, and city leaders Li Zhi and Tan Kemin participated in the investigation.

Zhuzhou's green building work started with the promotion and application of building energy efficiency, and mainly promoted the development of building energy efficiency through technologies such as exterior wall insulation, exterior window energy saving, roof insulation, building exterior shading, and green lighting. Gradually form a complete industrial chain covering survey and design, construction, green building materials, production of prefabricated parts and components, and application of ultra-low energy consumption passive technology. As of 2020, there are 52 green building demonstration projects in the city, with a construction area of 11.284,700 square meters.

On the same day, the research team visited the fourth-generation housing and courtyard house future community project and the citizen center in Tianyuan District to investigate and understand the design and construction of green buildings and the application of related technologies.

At the subsequent symposium, the research team listened to reports on the work of Zhuzhou's green building. Participants discussed and exchanged views on the difficulties and legislative needs of green building development, and put forward specific opinions and suggestions.

Zhou Nong affirmed the achievements of Zhuzhou's green building work. He pointed out that the promotion of green buildings is a requirement for implementing new development concepts and building a new development pattern. It is also an important measure to implement the Jinping ecological civilization thought and promote the realization of carbon peaks and carbon neutrality. Through green building legislation, vigorously promote the development of prefabricated buildings, ultra-low-energy buildings, hard-covered buildings, fourth-generation buildings, and star-rated green buildings, so as to enhance the society's understanding of the concept of green buildings. It is necessary to guide enterprises to incorporate the concepts and standards of green buildings into the whole process of building planning, design, construction, and acceptance, do a good job in top-level design, strengthen policy support and demonstration and guidance, and effectively reduce the burden of buildings on the environment. The research team will carefully sort out and absorb the opinions and suggestions put forward by relevant departments and enterprises, effectively enhance the operability of the Regulations, accelerate the development of green buildings, and improve the living quality and happiness index of the people.

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