Hebei Province launches pre-selection of digital centers for construction enterprises based on BIM technology



In order to improve the informatization level of the construction industry and promote the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry, each city in Hebei Province will cultivate no less than one digitalization center (laboratory) of construction enterprises based on BIM technology this year. In order to ensure the successful completion of the task, the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Hebei Province has issued a notice recently. All cities are required to pre-select no less than 3 digital centers based on BIM technology (no less than 1 in Dingzhou, Xinji City, and Xiong’an New District), which will be announced by the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department of Hebei Province after confirmation.

BIM technology can effectively aggregate enterprise survey and design, engineering construction, and operation data, and improve the company's level of analysis and utilization of project life cycle data. The construction of a digital center based on BIM technology can provide a strong support for the intelligent management of construction sites and enterprise data calculation and analysis of construction enterprises, and help enterprises to transform and upgrade and develop with high quality.

According to the requirements, the pre-selected digital center has no less than 8 personnel, and the professional modelling personnel in structure, electromechanics, decoration, etc. are complete, and the number of people with a BIM level certificate is generally no less than 4 people. Generally no less than 8 high-performance computers, 2 laptops, with genuine software such as Revit, Navisworks, and CAD. The number of engineering projects that have guided the application of BIM technology in the past year is no less than 2 (BIM modeling is used for structure and electromechanics), with a clear organizational structure and complete rules and regulations, which has a leading role in the application and innovation of BIM technology in the company.

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