Xingtai City, Hebei Province will build a batch of passive ultra-low energy building demonstration projects


On April 27, the reporter learned from a press conference held by the Information Office of Xingtai City Government that this year, Xingtai City will speed up the implementation of the green building special plan, clarify the green building grade requirements and selected technologies, and build green buildings and passive ultra-low energy buildings with high starting points, high standards, and high quality.

Green building combines the advantages of land saving, water saving, energy saving, material saving and environmental protection, and pollution reduction. On the basis of the lowest pollution environment and the best optimization of resources, it pays attention to health and comfort to achieve overall harmony and unity.

It is reported that in order to accelerate the development of the green building industry, Xingtai City has issued the "Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Development of the Green Building Industry and Promoting the Construction of Passive Ultra-Low Energy-Consumption Buildings", requiring that a single parcel of land with an area of 100 acres, allocated residential building plots or projects with a total construction area of 200,000 square meters or more, shall construct passive ultra-low energy buildings of not less than 10% in the planning conditions, and shall be built a batch of passive ultra-low energy building demonstration projects in the whole city.

At the same time, Xingtai City has also formulated corresponding incentive and reward policies: For projects constructed with passive ultra-low energy consumption building methods and commercial housing projects constructed with prefabricated construction methods, rewards will be given at 9% and 3% of the above-ground building area respectively. Encourage enterprises to "zero increase in land" technological transformation, and on the premise of complying with relevant regulations, no more land prices will be increased; if using housing provident fund loans to purchase new passive ultra-low energy consumption self-occupied residences higher than the lowest-grade green building standards, the loan amount will rise by 10%. Lower the key supervision ratio (amount) of pre-sale funds, increase allocation nodes or move forward one node for pre-sale funds for allocation; further increase financial support, etc.

It is understood that in recent years, Xingtai City has issued a series of documents to comprehensively promote green buildings in the construction of government investment in public welfare buildings and large-scale public buildings. Incorporating the development of green buildings into the assessment of energy conservation, coal consumption, and county construction targets in counties (cities, districts), refinement of work division, and strengthening of safeguard measures, have formed a work pattern that vigorously promotes the development of green buildings in Xingtai City. In 2020, the city completed the special acceptance of 4.0726 million square meters of building energy efficiency, all of which implemented the green building standards, and green buildings accounted for 100%.

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