Anhui Province implements green building creation action and the proportion of green buildings will increase to 70% by 2022


Recently, the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Anhui Province drafts the "Green Building Creation Action Implementation Plan (Draft for Comment)." Among them, it is proposed to take urban buildings as the object of creation, and implement green building creation actions. By 2022, the proportion of green buildings in urban new buildings will reach 70%, and star-rated green buildings will continue to increase. The energy efficiency level of existing buildings is continuously improved, the health performance of residences is continuously improved, and the proportion of assembly construction methods is steadily increasing.

Speed up legislation to fully implement green building standards.

The "Draft Opinions" proposes to speed up the legislation of the "Regulations on Green Building Development in Anhui Province", incorporate the implementation of green building standards for civil building construction into the project construction management procedures, and strictly supervise the design and construction of new urban buildings in accordance with green building standards. It is necessary to encourage the design and construction of large-scale public buildings, state office buildings and government-invested public welfare buildings in accordance with the two-star and above green building standards, and gradually increase the proportion of two-star and above green buildings.

At the same time, it is necessary to accelerate the preparation of green building standards such as "Green Design Standards for Residential Buildings" and "Green Building Project Construction Quality Acceptance Regulations", formulate green building project quotas and cost standards, and gradually improve the green building standard system.

Adjust measures to local conditions and steadily promote assembly-based construction methods.

The "Draft of Opinions" requires all localities to choose the prefabricated construction technology which is suitable for the region according to local conditions. Taking government-invested residential projects such as affordable housing projects as the starting point, the prefabricated concrete structure is promoted step by step to gradually increase the prefabricated rate. Focusing on public buildings and industrial buildings, vigorously promote the prefabricated steel structure technology system. The application of light steel structure and timber structure in tourism and vacation, garden landscape and antique building projects should be advocated. We should actively create national and provincial prefabricated construction industrial bases, strengthen the guidance of industrial layout, and strive to build a prefabricated construction industrial base for the Yangtze River Delta.

Energy-saving + water-saving, promoting the green transformation of existing residential buildings.

The "Draft Opinions" proposes that all localities should promote the energy-saving and water-saving transformation of existing residential buildings in conjunction with the transformation of old urban communities and the construction of sponge cities. While exploring market-oriented energy-saving renovation models for existing residential buildings, it is necessary to encourage energy-saving service companies to implement building energy-saving renovations.

At the same time, cities are encouraged to sort out the transformation needs of schools, hospitals, and government offices, carry out energy-saving transformation of public buildings, promote the development of ultra-low-energy buildings and nearly zero-energy buildings, and promote the application of renewable energy and the use of recycled water.

Improve quality and increase the promotion and application of green building materials.

In addition, the "Draft Opinions" also pointed out to accelerate to promote the evaluation, certification and application of green building materials. It is necessary to increase the application of green building materials in government-invested projects, key projects, municipal public works, green buildings, ecological urban areas, and prefabricated buildings, and gradually increase the proportion of green building materials used in new urban buildings. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the R&D and promotion of green building technology, establish a green residential user supervision mechanism and strengthen the management of star-level green building signs.

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