14 manufacturers of prefabricated building structure parts put into production in Hainan Province



Recently, the 2021 Hainan Autoclaved Aerated Concrete and Prefabricated Building Integration Development Forum was held at the Hainan International Convention and Exhibition Center. The reporter learned from the meeting that Hainan, as an area encouraged to promote prefabricated buildings, was confirmed by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development as the newly started prefabricated buildings accounted for more than 30% of new buildings last year.

The purpose of this forum is to accelerate the integration and development of Hainan's green building materials and prefabricated buildings to meet the needs of the Hainan Free Trade Port. Participating in the forum were Hainan Province design units, construction units, construction units, supervision units, inspection units, autoclaved aerated concrete production units, and some domestic appearance exhibitors who participated in the China Hainan International Free Trade Port Construction Expo.

Xi Xu, president of the Hainan New Wall Materials Association, introduced that the production and application of aerated panels started late in Hainan, but if you want to connect with the fast-developing prefabricated buildings in Hainan, the starting point cannot be low. This requires the joint efforts of the industry chain, not only to do a good job of aerated sheet products, but also to professional installation, construction, and promotion. In the context of the construction of a free trade zone (port), manufacturers of prefabricated building components have deployed in Hainan. At present, 14 manufacturers of prefabricated building components have been put into production. In March of this year, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development publicly notified the development of prefabricated buildings in Hainan.

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