Chinese first 3D printed landscape plaza project landed in Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center


Recently, the country's first 3D printing landscape plaza project officially landed in Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center. The project breaks through the previous architectural model, empowered by technology, and will print all the concrete components in the square through 3D printing concrete robots. Two months later, Shenzhen residents can enjoy sculptures and seats built by 3D printed robots here.

Four 3D printed concrete robots and some materials have entered the construction site

The 3D printing landscape plaza project is located in the middle of the seaside boulevard of the Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center and the continuation of the green space on the north side. The east side is Gate 9 of the Convention and Exhibition Center, and the west side is the seawall, with a total area of 5523.3 square meters. Among them, the green area accounts for 4855.6 square meters, and the greening rate reaches 88%.

The exhibition area plans to use 3D printing concrete technology to directly complete the printing and construction of pedestrian paving, sculptures, seats, tree ponds, flower beds, and retaining walls on the construction site.

3D printing concrete robot printing components

The reporter learned from the Baoan District Construction and Works Department that the robotic 3D printing concrete technology is a printing system created by the team of Professor Xu Weiguo of Tsinghua University in recent years. It is a new application technology that combines "3D printing" with "special concrete field technology".

This technology uses a robotic arm as a power system, combined with self-developed printing materials, software control platforms and printing tool heads, to realize highly automated production of concrete construction.

During the construction process, just input the digitally designed electronic model into the system, and the system can automatically process it as a control signal for the printing device. The configured concrete mixture is passed through the extrusion device to the nozzle at the front end of the robotic arm, and printed under the control of the signal, and finally the concrete is constructed and formed.

“The whole process can be completed with very little manpower, and the printed product is not only complicated and high-precision, but also one-piece molding without the need for tools. It can not only save materials, molds and labor costs, but also reduce pollution and waste, and is green and environmentally friendly.” Xu Weiguo told reporters.

At present, four 3D printing concrete robots and some materials have entered the construction site for this project, and various pre-construction preparations are being actively carried out.

It is reported that in two months, citizens will be able to witness the digital transformation of the construction industry on the west side of Gate 9 of the Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center. Let us wait and see!

Technology empowers, Baoan continues to promote the concept of intelligent construction

The country's first 3D printed landscape plaza project was jointly contracted by the China 20th Metallurgical Group Airport Phase I Project Department and the MCC CCID Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. Consortium EPC in accordance with the construction concept and commission of the Baoan District Construction and Public Works Administration.

The landscape display area of the project is implemented by the 3D printing concrete technology independently developed by the team of Professor Xu Weiguo of Tsinghua University, and the general contractor is leading the design and implementation of the landscape display. It is a rare domestic project that integrates 3D printing concrete and landscape engineering into intelligent construction.

With the disappearance of my country's demographic dividend, the demand for labor in construction projects will become more and more in short supply, and intelligent construction will be an important channel to solve this problem and will promote the digital transformation and upgrading of my country's construction industry. As an important method of intelligent construction, 3D printing will play an important role in the intelligent development of engineering construction. This time, the Baoan District Construction and Public Works Department introduced the 3D printing landscape plaza project to the Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center, which will inject new, three-dimensional and technological innovation concepts into the construction of Bao'an District and even the entire Shenzhen City. This will have a very positive, important and far-reaching impact on the construction field in the future.

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