Happy tiding! Shenzhen Modern Construction Technology Co., Ltd. won the third place of the prefabricated construction workers group in the "2020 Guangdong Vocational Skills Competition“!



On July 27-29, 2020, sponsored by the Guangdong Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, Guangdong Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, Guangdong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, and Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology, organized by the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Guangdong Province, the three-day "2020 Guangdong Vocational Skills Competition-Foshan Jianzhuang Cup" Prefabricated Construction Professional Skills Competition" was successfully held in Foshan Jianzhuang Construction Technology Co., Ltd.

There are 32 teams in this competition, including 23 groups of prefabricated construction workers and 20 groups of prefabricated mold workers. Our company sent three contestants, led by Zeng Lili, Wu Ping, Tang Shuai, and Luo Jianpeng to participate in the prefabricated construction builder competition. After two days of fierce competition, our players, with their professional professionalism and high-level prefabricated technology, stood out in the competition where the masters gathered, and won the third place in the prefabricated construction team of this competition! At the same time, the company's contestants all won the Outstanding Contestant Award for Prefabricated Construction Workers!

Happy tiding! Shenzhen Modern Construction Technology Co., Ltd. won the third place of the prefabricated construction workers group in the "2020 Guangdong Vocational Skills Competition-"Foshan Construction Cup" Prefabricated Construction Professional Skills Competition"!

Awarding ceremony for the winning team of prefabricated construction workers

Happy tiding! Shenzhen Modern Construction Technology Co., Ltd. won the third place of the prefabricated construction workers group in the "2020 Guangdong Vocational Skills Competition-"Foshan Construction Cup" Prefabricated Construction Professional Skills Competition"!

Awarding Ceremony for Outstanding Contestants of Prefabricated Construction Workers

Happy tiding! Shenzhen Modern Construction Technology Co., Ltd. won the third place of the prefabricated construction workers group in the "2020 Guangdong Vocational Skills Competition-"Foshan Construction Cup" Prefabricated Construction Professional Skills Competition"!

Group photo of company contestants and team leader

Happy tiding! Shenzhen Modern Construction Technology Co., Ltd. won the third place of the prefabricated construction workers group in the "2020 Guangdong Vocational Skills Competition-"Foshan Construction Cup" Prefabricated Construction Professional Skills Competition"!

Prefabricated construction workers competition site

Happy tiding! Shenzhen Modern Construction Technology Co., Ltd. won the third place of the prefabricated construction workers group in the "2020 Guangdong Vocational Skills Competition-"Foshan Construction Cup" Prefabricated Construction Professional Skills Competition"!

Prefabricated construction workers competition site

Happy tiding! Shenzhen Modern Construction Technology Co., Ltd. won the third place of the prefabricated construction workers group in the "2020 Guangdong Vocational Skills Competition-"Foshan Construction Cup" Prefabricated Construction Professional Skills Competition"!

Prefabricated construction workers competition site

Happy tiding! Shenzhen Modern Construction Technology Co., Ltd. won the third place of the prefabricated construction workers group in the "2020 Guangdong Vocational Skills Competition-"Foshan Construction Cup" Prefabricated Construction Professional Skills Competition"!

The third place honorary certificate of the prefabricated construction team


Third place medal for the prefabricated construction team

The summer weather is still hot, and the development of prefabricated buildings is also heating up. Although the prefabricated construction professional skills competition has ended, the journey of development in prefabricated buildings is still long. Next year, as a leading enterprise in the field of research and development of prefabricated building technology, Shenzhen Modern Construction Technology Co., Ltd. will make persistent efforts to strive for higher honors with better conditions and more professional technology!

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QQ customer service: 1575099316

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Email: info@precast.com.cn


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