Xi Jinping once again emphasized the "dual-carbon" goal, to achieve the goal from carbon peaking to carbon neutrality in the shortest time in the history of the whole world!

Author:Xinhua News Agency


On the afternoon of April 16, President Xi Jinping held a video summit of China-France-Germany leaders with French President Macron and German Chancellor Merkel in Beijing. The leaders of the three countries exchanged in-depth views on cooperation in addressing climate change, China-EU relations, anti-epidemic cooperation, and major international and regional issues.

Xi Jinping emphasized that I have always advocated building a community with a shared future for mankind, and I am willing to strengthen cooperation with France and Germany on climate change. He announces that China will strive to achieve the peak of carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060. This means that China, as the world's largest developing country, will complete the world's highest reduction in carbon emission intensity, and achieve the transition from carbon peak to carbon neutrality in the shortest time in global history.

This will undoubtedly be a tough battle. The Chinese dialect must be done, and the action must be fruitful. We will incorporate carbon peaking and carbon neutrality into the overall layout of ecological civilization construction, and comprehensively promote the development of a green and low-carbon circular economy. China has decided to accept the "Montreal Protocol" Kigali Amendment to strengthen the control of non-carbon dioxide greenhouse gases such as HFCs. Responding to climate change is the common cause of all mankind, and it should not be a bargaining chip for geopolitics, a target for attacking other countries, or an excuse for trade barriers.

China will adhere to the principles of fairness, common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, promote the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Paris Agreement, and actively carry out South-South cooperation on climate change. It is hoped that developed economies will set an example in reducing emissions and take the lead in fulfilling their climate fund funding commitments, so as to provide adequate technical and capacity building support for developing countries to tackle climate change.

Xi Jinping pointed out that at present, the new crown pneumonia epidemic is still spreading globally, and the task of world economic recovery is very arduous. China-EU relations are facing new development opportunities as well as various challenges. From a strategic perspective, we must firmly grasp the general direction and keynote of the development of China-EU relations.

China will expand its high-level opening up to the outside world and create a fair, just and non-discriminatory business environment for foreign-invested enterprises including French and German enterprises. It is hoped that the European side can also treat Chinese companies with such a positive attitude, and work with China to expand and strengthen China-EU green and digital partnerships, and strengthen cooperation in areas such as the fight against the epidemic. China opposes "vaccine nationalism" and the artificial creation of an immunization gap, and is willing to work with the international community, including France and Germany, to support and help developing countries obtain vaccines in a timely manner. China is willing to cooperate with the International Olympic Committee to provide vaccines to athletes preparing to participate in the Olympic Games.

Macron said that France welcomes China's announcement of its efforts to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. This major commitment reflects China's initiative to assume important responsibilities. France is willing to work with China to promote the further development of France-China and EU-China economic relations, join hands to help Africa achieve green development, and make joint efforts to help developing countries reduce debt. Vaccines should not become a tool for competition among major powers. France is willing to strengthen cooperation with China on the equitable distribution of vaccines and strengthen coordination on regional issues such as the Iranian nuclear issue. Merkel said that it is very important for Germany, France and China to strengthen cooperation in addressing climate change.

China’s declared nationally determined contribution goals are both ambitious and challenging, and are very important to the global response to climate change. The EU is willing to strengthen policy communication and coordination with China. China's first recovery of economic growth is good news for the world. The German side attaches importance to the important opportunities that China's implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan has brought to Germany-China and EU-China cooperation, and is willing to deepen mutually beneficial economic and trade cooperation with China. Strengthen communication on issues such as the digital economy and network security, treat enterprises from all countries equally, and avoid trade barriers. It is hoped that both parties will work together to promote the approval and entry into force of the EU-China Investment Agreement as soon as possible.

The leaders of the three countries agreed that it is necessary to uphold multilateralism, fully implement the Paris Agreement, and jointly build a fair, reasonable, cooperative and win-win global climate governance system, and promote the leaders' climate summit to achieve positive, balanced, and pragmatic results. Strengthen climate policy dialogue and cooperation in the field of green development, and make the response to climate change an important pillar of China-EU cooperation. Coordinate and organize important multilateral agendas such as the 15th Conference of the Parties to the Kunming Convention on Biological Diversity, the 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Glasgow, and the 7th World Conference on Nature Conservation in Marseille to create a new pattern of global environmental governance. Support the "New Coronary Pneumonia Vaccine Implementation Plan", promote healthy and safe and orderly exchanges of personnel, maintain the smooth and stable industrial chain, and promote the return of international economic and trade cooperation to normal at an early date; support developing countries in the development of efficient, clean and diversified energy supply.

Yang Jiechi, Wang Yi, He Lifeng and others attended the meeting.

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