Chongqing City will build 120 "smart communities" in 2021


On April 19, a reporter from the Chongqing Daily learned from the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee that in order to further improve the quality of real estate development projects in our city, the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee recently issued the "Work Plan for the Quality Improvement and Achievement Consolidation Phase of Chongqing Real Estate Development Projects" (Referred to as "Work Plan"). The "Work Plan" encourages qualified real estate development companies to build two-star and above smart communities in new residential projects. This year, the city strives to build 120 "smart communities".

The "Work Plan" requires that the implementation and application of smart construction sites should be further expanded, and the level of intelligent application of construction site quality, safety, cost, personnel, equipment, and construction process should be graded and evaluated. Starting from 2021, one-star smart construction sites should be built for new housing construction and municipal infrastructure projects in Chongqing, and two-star and above smart construction sites should be built for new government-invested projects in major urban areas, and the creation of three-star smart construction sites should be encouraged.

Not only that, Chongqing will vigorously promote prefabricated buildings. Strive for not less than 50% of the total land supply area in the central urban area in 2021 for the area of prefabricated buildings, and the proportion of newly started prefabricated buildings for not less than 30% of new buildings. Newly-started prefabricated buildings in the main city new district and Wanzhou District, Qianjiang District, Zhongxian County, and Dianjiang County account for no less than 15% of newly built buildings; construction projects invested and constructed by other district and county governments should also all adopt prefabricated buildings.

The "Work Plan" also requires that the newly-built civil buildings fully implement the revised green building standards, and strive to achieve 60% of the city's new urban green building area by the end of 2021.

In addition, Chongqing will build a high-quality rail life circle through the implementation of TOD comprehensive development. This year, Chongqing will promote an intensive and compact development system with rail stations as the core, and advance relevant preliminary work for the first batch of 5 demonstration stations, including Shimahe Interchange Station, Jiuquhe East Station, Zhaishanping Station, and Trade City Station.

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