Glodon and Lanben Technology signed a strategic cooperation agreement to explore the digital transformation of the construction industry


On April 8, Glodon Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Glodon") and Sichuan Lanben Digital Construction Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Blueprint Technology") signed a strategic cooperation agreement at the headquarters of Chengdu Blu-ray Group. Diao Zhizhong, Chairman of Glodon, and Cheng Yaogui, Chairman of Blu-ray Lanben Technology attended the signing ceremony.

Glodon signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Lanben Technology

According to the agreement, the two parties will be committed to cooperation in the direction of BIM digital construction, and jointly promote the full implementation of digitalization, technology and platformization in the real estate industry and construction industry. Specifically, the two parties will cooperate around the entire process and cycle of BIM construction. Focusing on “creating a BIM-based lean management model for the whole process”, “establishing a digital and technological benchmark model”, “promoting domestic independent intellectual property design software applications” and other directions, relying on real demand scenarios to explore the application value of digitalization.

This cooperation is a good practice for both parties to seek coordinated development, and is of great significance to the development of both parties. Through cooperation, the two parties will complement each other's advantages. Lanben Technology will leverage its project management advantages in the construction and real estate industries, and provide BIM digital construction business scenarios. Glodon will give full play to its leading product technology advantages and industry digitization experience to provide graphics platforms and products with independent intellectual property rights to help accelerate the blueprint digitization process. The two parties will build a comprehensive strategic-level cooperation mechanism to jointly promote the joint co-creation of digital construction projects.

At the signing site, representatives of both parties also conducted in-depth discussions on the future development of the construction industry and real estate industry. Diao Zhizhong, chairman of Glodon, said that the current trend of digitalization is unstoppable. In terms of advancing digitalization, Lanben Technology has a clear blueprint, clear goals, strong awareness, and rapid action, which is admirable. He emphasized that digitalization is not a slogan. Its core lies in enterprise development and cost reduction and efficiency enhancement, and finally realize the landing of management. As a digital construction platform service provider that has been deeply involved in the construction industry for more than 20 years, Glodon has solid technology, comprehensive products and solutions, which can help Lanben Technology to reach new heights.

Chi Feng, CEO of Blu-ray Development, said that the core of BIM applications is quality improvement, and the key point is application landing. The cooperation between the two parties has a good foundation. He hopes that in this cooperation, the two parties will have full communication and exchanges, actively explore the practical path of digital transformation, and actively promote the application of the ground. It is also hoped that through this cooperation, the digital and online management level of Lanben Technology can be effectively improved, and the lean management of the project can be realized. At the same time, it is hoped that it can provide more useful references for the industry.

Diao Zhizhong, Chairman of Glodon and his delegation visited Blu-ray Group Park and Exhibition Hall

Senior Vice President Yun Langsheng, Vice President Guo Jianfeng, Assistant President Tian Junpeng, CEO of Blu-ray Development Chi Feng, Vice President of Operations Bian Yu, Chairman of Blueprint Technology Cheng Yaogui and other leaders attended the signing ceremony.

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