Jiangsu's first construction industrialization industrial cooperation base was unveiled in Zhangjiagang



Nowadays, there are more and more prefabricated buildings that build houses like building blocks. On April 17, in Defeng Industrial Park, Zhangjiagang City, Jiangsu Province, the first construction industrialization industrial cooperation base in Jiangsu Province was officially inaugurated. The reporter learned that the base's annual output of prefabricated building components can meet the needs of 1.2 million square meters of construction projects.

"The birth of the cooperation base, the construction of components are handed over to the factory for production and sent to the construction site for assembly, which greatly reduces the pollution, noise, waste and various quality problems caused by the on-site casting method, which is the direction of the future development of the construction industry." Wang Tao, chairman of the Science and Technology Innovation Company of China Construction Third Bureau, told reporters.

It is worth mentioning that the base now has a leading domestic fully automatic production line. At the technical level, the "cooperative base" can rely on double-A design institutes, provincial-level construction enterprise technology centers, and provincial-level postgraduate workstations to become a prefabricated building production center integrating R&D, design, production, and construction. "From planning and design to project implementation, it is no longer an independent link, so the integration effect will be better and it will also facilitate the optimization and promotion of each link." Wang Tao said.

On the same day, Wen Linfeng, deputy director of the Science and Technology and Industrialization Development Center of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Chen Chen, deputy chief engineer of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and second-level inspector, as well as experts from the field of construction industry modernization, witnessed the opening ceremony of the "Construction Industrialization Industry Cooperation Base" and the signing ceremony of the "Construction Industrialization Cooperation Agreement".

The construction industry has always been Jiangsu's dominant industry and pillar industry. In recent years, Jiangsu has seized the opportunity of becoming one of the first batch of pilot provinces for the modernization of the construction industry, taking the improvement of design and construction quality as the foundation, and improving the policy system, technical system, standard system and supervision system. Vigorously promote the integration and development of prefabricated buildings, finished housing and green buildings, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry. Chen Chen, deputy chief engineer and second-level inspector of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, said in his speech: "In 2020, Jiangsu will achieve a total construction industry output value of 3.87 trillion yuan, and the scale of output value will continue to rank first in the country. The added value of the construction industry will be 680 billion yuan, accounting for 6.3% of the province's GDP."

As of the end of 2020, Jiangsu Province has accumulatively started construction of approximately 130 million square meters, has created 5 national-level prefabricated building demonstration cities and 27 industrial bases (parks), all of which rank among the top in the country. Established more than 380 modernization demonstration projects of various provincial-level construction industries, cultivated a large number of prefabricated building design, construction, decoration, parts production and other enterprises, the industrial chain is becoming more and more perfect, and the development of prefabricated buildings has achieved initial results.

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