Anhui Province’s "14th Five-Year Plan" plan to transform and upgrade 5602 old communities


The reporter learned from the Department of Finance of Anhui Province that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the province plans to complete 5602 old community renovation and upgrading projects, with a total building area of 12.18 million square meters, involving 61,856 buildings and benefiting 1.33 million households. Among them, this year plans to renovate and upgrade 1,498 old communities, with a total building area of 33.34 million square meters, involving 15,835 buildings and 362,000 households.

Since 2016, Anhui Province has included the transformation of old urban communities in the organization and implementation of provincial-level people's livelihood projects. In order to support the cities to steadily advance this work, the provincial finance arranges special funds of 200 million yuan each year, and has obtained a total of 2.47 billion yuan from the central government to subsidize the basic, complete and upgraded renovation projects of the old communities in the province. Key cities and counties (chengguan towns) will be transformed into residential communities that were built earlier, are out of maintenance and management, municipal supporting facilities are imperfect, social service facilities are imperfect, and residents have a strong desire to renovate. During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, the province has renovated a total of 3,024 old communities in cities and towns, with a building area of 98.516 million square meters, benefiting 1.1079 million residents.

In order to help the province successfully complete the transformation of old communities this year and during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the Anhui Provincial Finance Department has focused on strengthening fund security and management, effectively giving play to the guiding and leveraging role of financial funds, and actively promoting the transformation of old communities across the province. On the basis of striving for financial support from the central government and full arrangement of subsidies at the provincial level, encourage cities and counties to allocate funds for the transformation of old urban communities through public budgets, stock funds from the sale of state-owned housing, value-added gains from housing provident funds, special housing maintenance funds, land transfer proceeds, and state-owned capital operating budgets. In accordance with the principle of “who benefits, who contributes”, the responsibilities and forms of investment of residents are clarified in the content of the renovation, and residents are encouraged to participate in the renovation of old urban communities in the form of donations, donations, and labor. Encourage social funds to participate in the construction, transformation and operation of public service facilities such as community pensions, nursery schools, supermarkets, cultural and sports facilities. Actively explore ways to guide social capital and private enterprises to participate in the transformation and quality improvement of old urban communities through government procurement and paid use of new facilities. Strictly implement relevant national and provincial preferential policies, as well as policies related to the reduction and exemption of administrative fees and government funds, and exempt deed tax, real estate tax, urban land use tax, urban infrastructure supporting fees, and real estate registration fees in accordance with regulations. Encourage conditional old communities to build, renovate and expand operational facilities for public services, and balance the expenditures for rebuilding the old communities through future earnings. Perform performance evaluations on the transformation of old communities in cities, counties, cities, and towns, and link the evaluation results with the arrangement of central and provincial subsidies.

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