Green buildings in Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province account for 100% of new buildings


Green is the most distinctive background color in Yancheng, and ecology is the thickest home base in Yancheng. The reporter learned from the provincial green building and construction technology work symposium held in Yancheng on April 13 that during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, The city’s green buildings accounted for 100% of newly built buildings, and the total energy savings reached 550,000 tons of standard coal, equivalent to 1.441 million tons of carbon emissions. It has realized the leap of green buildings from point to surface, from region to city, from "light green" to "dark green".

It is understood that the city's green building development has entered the fast lane. Yancheng has become a green building demonstration city, Funing County has become a green building demonstration county, and the Yannan High-tech Zone Julong Lake has created a green building and ecological urban area integration demonstration area. The province's first passive low-energy building Yancheng Sun Moon Star City Kindergarten has been put into use, and the project has also obtained the Sino-German cooperation high energy efficiency building-passive low energy consumption building quality label. 24 manufacturers of prefabricated construction parts have been built, and the construction industry is showing a good trend of low-carbon, intensive and circular development. Pilot projects for green and smart buildings are proceeding in an orderly manner. The Fengming Tixiang Apartment project has won the National Green Building Innovation Award, a number of projects have been awarded the provincial high-quality green building projects, and a number of corporate building materials have received three-star green building materials labels. The construction industry has achieved low-carbon, intensive and circular transformation and development, and the construction of green, ecological, beautiful, and livable urban and rural areas has been accelerated.

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