Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province Held a Prefabricated Construction Industry Development Exchange Promotion Meeting



On April 9, the Qinhuangdao Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau organized a Qinhuangdao prefabricated construction industry development exchange promotion meeting. Nearly 50 representatives from the real estate design, development, and construction industries of Qinhuangdao City and relevant persons in charge of the Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau of counties and districts observed the prefabricated construction projects and conducted on-site exchanges.

The Qinhuangdao Golden Age Health Care Center and the first phase of the Seaside Shengjing both adopt prefabricated decoration, including integrated wall panels, integrated kitchens, lightweight partition walls and other components, which are produced by workers in the factory and transported to the site for assembly and installation. No cement, mortar, paint, wall paint, etc. are required during the whole decoration process. Such a decoration method that is environmentally friendly and improves construction efficiency has won unanimous praise from everyone. At the site of the Gujia subproject of the shantytown renovation project in the Qinhuangdao Economic and Technological Development Zone, the staff said that during the installation of these prefabricated external wall panels, the work at high places, high altitudes, and scaffolding was greatly reduced, and the safety factor was improved a lot. "How is the safety of the prefabricated building? Is the insulation effect good?" At the site of the Xiangyi Lanwan project, the staff answered all the questions patiently.

"There is no flying dust, and the exterior walls are manufactured in the factory ahead of time. Building a house is as simple as 'building blocks', and it is more environmentally friendly and energy-saving, and it also shortens the construction period. Prefabricated buildings are the future development direction of architectural design and construction." A representative couldn't help sighing after the visit.

In recent years, Qinhuangdao City has closely followed the pace of national strategy and promoted the development of green buildings into the fast lane. In 2020, Qinhuangdao City was successfully approved as the second batch of national prefabricated construction model cities. As of the end of last year, there were 117 prefabricated construction projects in the city, with a total construction area of 2,827,500 square meters. In the first quarter of this year, 27 prefabricated buildings were newly built in the city, with a prefabricated floor area of 514,300 square meters. The prefabricated buildings accounted for 35.21% of urban new buildings. There are 9 prefabricated construction industrial bases in the city, with an annual output of 700,000 cubic meters of precast concrete components, 110,000 tons of steel components, and assembly and decoration parts to meet the needs of 300,000 cubic meters of prefabricated buildings. The city has formed a new pattern for the development of the entire industrial chain model of prefabricated buildings.

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